25g setup!



Have had for +1yr:
25g; 3-4'' c/c; basic fish life-support (i.e. filter, heater, etc..); some decor + 1 yellow coris wrasse.
Will be getting:
Emperor 400 + Seaclone 100/ CPR BakPak (is 1 better?).
Need to know:
1. What size of a clean-up crew do I need?
2. What about powerheads?
3. Is there a rule of thumb for #lbs lr/gal?
Does the "future" set-up sound ok? I wanted to make sure I do all my homework b4 I added more fish (+ hopefully a cleaner shrimp!). Just wanted to say: you guys are the best! This has been keeping me up nights on end with all of your priceless knowledge :D (the lfs' aren't so good here).

cap'n pete

I would definately get a CPR before a SeaClone, but get the skimmer box/ bubble trap box for it. Either one will work though, just make sure if you get a SeaClone it's the "new" model. The key to sucess in a reef tank, other than good knowledge (which I think your in the right place), is good quality LR. For a reef tank I would recommend at least 1.5 lbs. per gallon, if not 2. Some will tell you 1 lb. but you don't want to skimp. You didn't specify what kind of filter is on now. Are you going to leave it on until the Emporer is broken in? What kind of substrate of you planning on? A lot of us reefers like DSB to help keep the nitrates down. Have you considered just using powerheads for water movement and skip the Emporer purchase?
As far as cleanup crew I would recommend about 10 to 20 scarlet reef hermits, 20 small turbos (astrea are good), a cleaner shrimp, a maroon star (stays small), two emerald crabs


Right now all I've got is an aquaclear from a previous setup! :eek:
I've been through all the posts in the forums and seems the ones who switch from c/c to dsb in existing tanks ended up wiping it out! :eek: Dsb's do sound good, but I'm worried since I'm not starting completely from scratch. I'm also unclear on how to clean/maintain a dsb if I shouldn't sift it. And if I should switch and add lr, should I put my wrasse in a q/t while it (dsb+lr) cycles again, or vice versa??
I also want to start a reef but 25g is pretty cramped compared to what most ppl have! Any advice pls?? :confused:

cap'n pete

I wouldn't worry about the DSB right now. The first step would be to get plenty of good LR. I would let it re-cure in a rubbermaid container with a powerhead until it's not reading any ammonia or nitrites and then add it to the tank. Let it alone in the tank with your wrasse for a month and keep a close eye on it the water parameters. Be prepared to do water changes. A good clean up crew would be advised to add at that point also. Run the skimmer, the aquaclear, and a powerhead for filtration and current. Once the live rock has cycled replace the sponge in the aquaclear with new and don't use anything else in it. The sponge needs rinsed well every two to four weeks to keep it from becoming a nitrate producer (it's for mechanical filtration only, the LR will do all your biological). Add small fish one at a time (you will only be able to keep two more small ones). Lighting will need to upgraded to VHO or PC and possibly MH. When all is running well you can add the cleaner shrimp and start adding corals. A very brief run down of a small reef. HTH
Check out my home page for the setup and pictures. I would recommend a larger tank if that's what you want, but a small tank is very possible. You can also check out Nano-reef.com for more small tanks.


Thnx for the game plan!!
I've been checking around online and haven't had any luck finding maroon stars (other than here but they're sold out!). Also, is Figi lr considered "quality lr"? How abt tonga?

cap'n pete

Fiji and Tonga are the most available LR. Quality varies just like anything else. Check around before buying.