25g tall...


I posted this in reef tanks as well
25 gallon tall
Current Satellite 2x65w Power Compacts
CPR Bak-Pak 2 skimmer
Fluval 204 canister filter w/ surface skimmer
maxi jet powerhead
About 40+ lbs live sand
40+ lbs live rock
Not using heater right now (but have 200w submersible)
Maroon Clown
Yellow belly Damsel
Yellow Damsel
Yellow back damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Cleaner shrimp
Kenya trees
tonga mushrooms
green star polyps
white star/pink star polyps
zoos w/ few clove polyps
Pulsing Xenia
Cabbage Leather
Yellow Polyps
I don't use a lot of additives, only ph buffer, essential trace, phytomax. The rest I just rely on water changes and I use tap water which has a lot of calcium. This tank has only been up for a little over a month because the cycle only took 7 days. (Thanx to biozyme :) lol)
Let me know what you guys think and what else I could add (Corals).


Active Member
Looks good....
I have a 25 gal as well. Mine is 2 1/2 years old. I don't have nearly the live rock I would love to have due to the cost of it. But slowly I add what I can. I love my tank as it is what I can afford right now.
I have:
coral beauty angelfish
white stripe maroon clownfish
yellow tail blue damsel
bicolor blenny
one very large turbo snail
algae eating cowrie
large blue leg hermit crab
assorted mushrooms
my lights are just one 20 watt coralife power-glo 18,000k light. Everything is growing and doing just fine. But I am limited to what I can have with these lights but quite happy with what I have right now. I would like oneday to add some zoos but that will come in time.
What about adding an anemone to your tank? I don't know if your lights are strong enough but I am sure that others here will add to this. Toadstool is another, I love these wish I could have one of these. Your tank looks good though....


Thank you! do you have a pic of your tank also? You know what i can't believe that you could actually keep corals with those lights. Well people couldn't believe I kept 2 big goldfish in a 10 gallon tank and lived for years, I gave it to a friend and still lives right now. That's why i bought a frag of hard coral (monti cap) just to see if it's going to survive. I don't want to keep anemone in my tank for one reason, I have a hang on skimmer and the anemone might get caught in the pump and kill all the livestock in it. That actually happened to the old owner of this tank. He had a bubble tip anemone and was doing great but one day he was away the anemone started to wonder and got caught in the pump and released all his toxins and killed everything he had in the tank. So he gave up on the hobby and gave me everything (I was happy because the rocks itself cost a lot). So I know the light is enough to keep a bubble tip but I just don't want the same thing to happen to me.


Active Member
I will take some recent pics of my tank, believe me it is nothing to write home about. I don't have enough rock but make due with what I have. My mushrooms are doing great, all of them were just single shrooms when I bought them. I have one rock with my hairy mushrooms that is covered and and newest mushrooms is a green striped one that is still a single but I am sure in no time will multiply like the rest. Mushrooms are quite easy to take care of and I don't think the light is to terribly important as I have found out.
I also don't add anything to my tank. I found that out the hard way when I first started with my 10 gal. I crashed the whole system. I have learned to leave well enough alone if it is working for me.
I know what you mean about the anemone. I leave those to the experts...

Here are a few pics, not the best but gives you an idea of what I have.



Your mushrooms look awesome, and your maroon clown looks just like mine lol. I love them, they look like velvet floating haha. How long does it take before your mushroom multiplies? Mine hasn't multiplied yet or show any sign of that.


Active Member
Well my tank is 2 1/2 years old. I bought the hairy ones after the tank was a year old. So it took 1 1/2 years for them to completely cover that rock they are on.
Yes the maroons do look like velvet in the tank. They are my absolute favorite of the clown family. I love the goldstripe but our LFS will not bring them in as she claims they are very nasty. Her supplier does not even carry them. But I do love my white stripe just the same.
How old is your tank?


My tank is about 2 Months old, well my corals are older than that. I had a 10 gallon before then I just transfered everything when I got the 25. Are you running skimmer or filter?
To tell you the truth, I could've gotten the gold stripe for the same price at my lfs but I really like the white stripes better. I don't know why
So what did you use to add in your tank? I only add trace elements (because I don't want to keep changing water) and phytoplankton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ogredawg
My tank is about 2 Months old, well my corals are older than that. I had a 10 gallon before then I just transfered everything when I got the 25. Are you running skimmer or filter?
To tell you the truth, I could've gotten the gold stripe for the same price at my lfs but I really like the white stripes better. I don't know why
So what did you use to add in your tank? I only add trace elements (because I don't want to keep changing water) and phytoplankton.

I run 2 Aqua Clear HOB filters. I don't run any skimmers. They both have charcoal in them too and one has the new ceramic balls that Aqua Clear came out with. With just the mushrooms I have found that these two filters give me enough flow in the tank. I don't have a powerhead either. No dead spots plus my sand bed is only 1/2" deep.
I do love my maroon, either the white or the gold they are both beautiful....

I don't add any of that (crap) as I call it. I did not have a very good experience with using it in my 10 gal and have found that it is not needed in my current tank. I do bi-weekly water changes. If I had more difficult corals then I might have to look at some trace elements but right now everything is multiplying and very healthy.
Since your tank is not very old even though things were moved from your 10 gal I would give everything you currently have in there a chance to grow and multiply before adding anything. You have a very nice array of things in there.
I noticed that you have a heater but are not using it right now. I would put that heater in there and if it is a good one and preset your water will stay at that temp only. Temp swing can be the worst for saltwater tanks.
About the only thing I would love to add to my tank but don't think I could is a toatstool.They are just amazing and beautiful.
Have a nice day.....


Nice little tank :). I use declorinated tap on my small tanks too. And use a biotrace additive.
Perhaps a frag of snake polyps? It would be a bit different comapred to the good corals you have in there now.


What are snake polyps? I've never seen or heard of those before. Do you have any pic? Sounds really interesting tho


Ogredawg, I have a 30 gallon tall and looking to create a tank similiar to yours. Where did you get your lights? I cant find anything that will fit my dimensions, 24 x 24 x 12. Any info you could give would be great!! thanks.


I'm currently using a 24" 130w (2x65w) power compacts by company called Current. It came with the tank when I got it. Just search Current Satellite 130w on google or something and something should come up. It's a pretty decent light and good enough for all lps but sps I'm not sure yet.