

hey guys,,i orederd a custimize tank acrylic mesuaring 25x25x25,,i was wondering how many gallons is that,,i know there is a math way u can figure it out,but im not really sure,,thanks guys


Active Member
Originally Posted by B.N.G
hey guys,,i orederd a custimize tank acrylic mesuaring 25x25x25,,i was wondering how many gallons is that,,i know there is a math way u can figure it out,but im not really sure,,thanks guys

67.64 gallons. 25x25x25=15,625 divided by 231= 67.64


how did u get the 231?im no a math guy....so u would always divide it by 231?thanks for the reply


Active Member
Originally Posted by B.N.G
how did u get the 231?im no a math guy....so u would always divide it by 231?thanks for the reply
In this simple equation you always divide by 231 when you mulitply the LxWxH. There is another formula to check gallons, but I won't go there.

sign guy

Active Member
how can you find out how many lbs of sand you need I know this site has a calculater but I tink there is a math equation


thank you for that math,,,man i cant wait for my tank to arrive,,,,its a 2 week process,,,so far 4 more days till i ge it,,,its like have a nano cube or any other cube exept bigger,,,but without those filters,,,i will try to post up some pictures when i get,,PROMISE...