26 gall tank need help%% %% %%


so im getting this 26 gallon tank from my work today and i am wondering if i should buy a skimmer.... my dad has a 200 gallon tank and he is going to give me his water when he dose his water change.... my boss said that all i will need is a hang on the back filter but i am wondering if i will need something better, im just going to put a carpet anemone 2 clowns maybe a hippo and a yellow tang and some corals do you guys think i will need more than the hang on the back flinter


A carpet anemone will grow too large for that tank, it most likely end in death. The two tangs will also die in a tank that small. I would suggest a 100 gallon aquarium minimum for housing tangs, they need alot of room to swim or they get stressed. Two clowns may or may not be ok for a tank that size. Maroons would not be a good choice but Perculas or Occelaris should be ok. Why do you want to use old tank water? If you are trying to bypass the beginning cycle you should use fresh clean ro/di water with cured live rock and sand. Most of the bacteria is not in the water but actually in the rock and sandbed. Get a bag of sand and some dry or live rock, then aquascape how you want. Take a few cups of sand from an established tank and mix it in with the bagged sand. You may or may not get a cycle, if you do it will be a small one. After your cycle is complete should you get one, you can add in a small CUC. Shortly after you can begin to add in fish if your water tests are good.


well my dads water is very good and the clowns are very small and i would get the tangs very small and when they start getting big i would drop them into my dads tank..... but my question still is will i need a skimmer or a hang on the back filter??????????%%