28G JBJ HQI NANO CUBE (Need advice)

Hey guys

I just bought a 28G JBJ Nano Cude with stand from marine depot. I want to get it started soon but I want to do a little research on how I should approach this project. I know it comes with filtration: (no protein skimmer but I plan to get it a AquaC Remora HOB)
I am sure there is a thread already for this topic but I want good advice on how I should set up my filtration. SHould I use the supplied filtyer media or should I use sand and mud or what?
I plan on putting several corals, inverts (sponge, hermits, snails, cleaner shrimp) and an anemone for two black/white ocellaris clowns.
I just really need advice with my filtration.

Thanks for the replys!


New Member
first of all it should come with a protein skimmer, they all do as far as im aware. granted its kinda cheesy but should still come with one.
there are lots you can do with the filtration, just depends on what you like best. if yours is anythign like mine it should come with ceramic rings/carbon/and black sponge in the media basket. my media basket that came with the tank was black, ive seen some come with clear ones.
a lot people like to run chemipure elite and purigen. thats what i use anyways in mine.
other then that you can use filter floss as kinda like a prefilter and you change it out every couple days.
so for example in your 3 chamber media box the top would be a handfull of filter floss, middle would be chemipure and bottom would be purigen. you can use any type of media you choose like carbon or phosban or whatever.
if you have the clear media basket you can put cheato in it with some sort of lighting and just dump your media bags into the chamber where the stock skimmer would be since you said you were going with an hob skimmer.
there is a ton that you can do. its just personal preference really. i dunno what the tanks come with now but if it comes with ceramic rings you can toss em assuming your going to have live rock.
fyi most people upgrade there stock pumps to something better like maxijet 1200's. you should at least upgrade 1 stock pump, so that way you can use one of the stock ones for the chiller if you get one.
Thanks for the advice!
My media box is clear and I could make one chamber like a small fuge. That's really what I wanted to do in the first place.
My system did not come with a skimmer but it's ok becuase I have a AquaC Remora HOB for it.
I will consider buying two upgraded pumps for more effective circulation.
How important is it for me to purchase a chiller? Is there any way I can get around this costly venture?


New Member
sure there are ways you can some more involved then others. a couple of the easiest ways are to attacc fans to the open back of the tank. one of them is called c-breeze made by jbj i think and the other one is made by azoo. main think to remember is fans make noise and some are louder then others. i myself dont like to listen to fans all day but i am also sitting right next to my tank everyday.
some people take the feeding lid off which helps a little. and ive even seen recently that someone fit a couple of computer fans inside the hood to the left and right of the feeding lid. which they said helped a good bit. using computer fans seems to be the best option if your going to use fans since there are plenty of quiet ones to choose from. but you are more then likley going to have to change the wire to plug into an outlet unless you want to mount up a computer psu somewhere to plug them into.
if you really want to get crazy you can build or even buy a bigger stand, drill your tank, and use a good sized sump. then you can put a sump inside a closed stand and mount all your hardware to the sump. fans/heater/skimmer etc.. and since its in a closed area it will be more quiet.
just to give you an idea of my temp stats. i keep my house at a steady 71-72 degrees at least thats what the thermostat upstairs always reads. it always seems a little cooler up there then downstairs though. either way my tank with the lights on reaches temps of 83 degrees with no chiller.
with one c-breeze fan i can keep it around 80 with no chiller.
using fans also make more water evap so you will have to top off a couple times a day. chiller evaps less and top off like once a day on average.
if i had it to do over again i would drill my tank so i can have a sump. the back of the tank can get crazy with all the things you can have coming out of it. but not having a sump is proabaly the biggest reason on why i want a new tank/upgrade.


New Member
ohh and you can make the middle chamber where your media box is into a fuge if you want. if your looking at the back of the tank the chamber to the right of the center is where you can put your media. then you can use the center chamber for the cheato and light. well i suppose you can just put your media bags on the bottom of the center chamber and have cheato on top and just use the middle chamber. either way it can be done however you want to do it. also im not sure if you browse other forums or not but on r..f c.....l in the nano sections there is a thread dedicated to 28g nano u can see a lot of things people do with them


New Member
i also just remembered that there are some sort of legs used for light fixtures. made by coral life it think. which you can use to raise your hood a few inches higher. this would also help to cool your tank.