29 bio cube HELP


im about to order a bio cube 29 gallon,,,now my question is,,,are they glass or acrylic,,,i know blondie has one and she says its acrylic,,but this one site says its glass??????does anybody else beside blondie have a bio cube...and is it glass or acrylic..thank you


Originally Posted by B.N.G
im about to order a bio cube 29 gallon,,,now my question is,,,are they glass or acrylic,,,i know blondie has one and she says its acrylic,,but this one site says its glass??????does anybody else beside blondie have a bio cube...and is it glass or acrylic..thank you
I believe mine is acrylic. The curved corners on the front of the tank is what makes me think so


Active Member
Well just don't tap on it with a hammer as it will shatter.........give you a clue huh eh? Its glass, rounded cormers have nothing in the world to do with it being acrylic. Glass can be formed in as many different shapes and configureations as acrylics can.


thank you for ur reply's,,,hmmmmmm,,strange,,,i heard it was acrylic,,,even blondie says so????but i emailed almost some of the reatailers,,and they all said its glass,,,,,damn i was hoping it would be acrylic!!


i dont know the lfs store told me acrylic and it does have curved edges. and is seamless. i looked in my manual and it doesnt say anything about it.