29 BioCube 1 year pics


New Member
i do frequent water changes with ro/di to keep the nitrates down, imo ro/di should be a must for all in the hobby, i used to use tap when i didn't know what i was doing and since using ro/di, which tests 99.9% free, it has made a huge difference.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ChrgerOnDavins
not overstocked at all if he can keep his nitrates low.
True but some think you can have 4 tangs in a 90. I mean it can work as long as he gets the tang out


Active Member
I like the look alot but your anemones both look very bleached. What lighting do you have? The stock lighting that comes with the BC is not enough to sustain an anemone. Other than that and the tang (which you know about) looks great!


Active Member
Nice looking tank! Funny how the first thing you said was you have a Yellow Tang. I can sense the Tang Police showing up soon :)


Active Member
My only complaint you already addressed, the tang haha. Just I would work on getting him out, because you would be surprised how aggressive tangs can be when cramped. I bet your LFS told you it would be ok :)
If you can balance the rest of the fish and keep the nitrates low, then I wouldnt say its overstocked to the point of crashing, but definitely do-able.
Good luck with the tank, it looks great! Curious what kind of lighting you have?


New Member
peef, they're both bubble tips that were white when i got them about 6 months ago. I actually just had one and it spilt about one month after i got it. it is just stock lighting, but i keep all the shades in my room up and my house faces directly east so i think it gets some good indirect sunlight, how much it helps though i don't know. Yea when i got the tang about 8months ago the lfs said it would be fine. A buddy of mine owns his own lfs that specializes only in salt so if i can catch him he is going there.


Active Member
looks like you have a clam in there too. I would seriously think about upgrading lighting if you plan to keep the BTA and clam in that tank for very long.
Other then that its a great looking tank.