29 biocube..im fed up...

i have my 29 biocube and im soo sick of it... its got horrible light, a even worst red slime problem and it runs at 87 degrees with the lights off...im quite tired of being stressed out, and im thinking of selling almost everything, but the livestock and some live rock....
any pointers? i figured if i part with everything i would be very lucky to get 300 bucks for most of the stuff in my biocube...i calculated that i would be spending about 350 for a 20 gallon long with sump...lights...etc.


Active Member
87 with the lights off???!!!!! Something is definitely wrong. How many pumps are running in it? Might be a faulty thermometer.


Originally Posted by coraljunky
87 with the lights off???!!!!! Something is definitely wrong. How many pumps are running in it? Might be a faulty thermometer.
Are they stock lights? Yes, sounds like something wrong with either the thermometer or the heater... I have a biocube and don't have any problems with excessive heat. I did have red slime algae early on, but that's not the biocubes fault. How long has it been up and running? The slime algae should go away when the tank is balanced. Good luck.
i will post all that i am keeping and all that i am selling...
please feel free to tell me if any of these prices are unreasonable. thanks.
biocube stand,tank, 20+ pds lr..and 2'' ls-250$
misbarred gold stripe marroon 1.75'' (comes with green bta-3'')-35$
randallis shrimp goby 2''-20$
open neon green brain 3'' wide-30$
toadstool attached to about 4 pd. lr-30$
biocube protein skimmer-20$
hydor rotating powerhead-10$
or buy all for 325$
fuge in back of tank (middle chamber) comes with chaeto, lr rubble, and clip on lamp. (free with tank)
mods read this please! i am not trying to sell anything (yet), i am just trying to get peoples opinions on my pricing. it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave this post in the nano section. thanks

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
i have my 29 biocube and im soo sick of it... its got horrible light - go buy an upgrade if you want, a even worst red slime problem - reduce light time and do water changes and it runs at 87 degrees with the lights off - tune down your heater or get a chiller...im quite tired of being stressed out, and im thinking of selling almost everything, but the livestock and some live rock - dont give up!
answers in red text.
How hot do you keep your house, I have a 29 biocube and the temp is consistent at 78-79, I run my lights for 12 hours a day and have never had a heat problem, it isnt the biocube that is causing your problems, you should check some other factors before you sell.
im buying a chiller in a little bit...but im thinking of selling stuff locally still....
selling a few coral, and some lr still...still have to talk to mom about selling a few things. thanks cya l8r


New Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
im buying a chiller in a little bit...but im thinking of selling stuff locally still....
selling a few coral, and some lr still...still have to talk to mom about selling a few things. thanks cya l8r
what kind of coral are you selling?