29 Biocube


29 gallon biocube and i want a FO with anemones and fake coral. becuz the tank is to small for both coral and nemones.. and i need to know if a 29 gal is big enough for the anemones. and there is my fishlist i plan to have. and angel goes in last ofcaurse. and i need to know what kind of lighting i should get and what kind of anemones are good. also i need to know if my fish list is good. if there is any uncompatible fish in there.
Cerith Snail X 10
Clean Shrimp X 1
False Percula Clownfish X 2
Orangeback Basslet x 1
Dwarf Flame Angelfish X 1
Bangaii Cardinal X 1


Do you mean FOWLR? You are going to need some LR in there IMO. As far as anemones, you are going to have to upgrade your light, probably to one of the MH kits they sell for nanos. If you want your clowns to host your anemone, I think they do generally well with bubble tips. I think your tank is too small for a flame angel. Also, I have heard that orangebacks don't do well with fish that are a similar size as them.
Even though it is called 29g, it actually holds about 24-25g of water. I think two full grown clowns, a bangaii cardinal, and maybe 1 other small fish, like a sixline or goby of sorts would work.


Originally Posted by walmart
ive read that the dwarf flame angel only gets to about 4-5 inchs,
This is true. However, it still needs ample room to swim. I personally don't think it will do well for extended periods of time in a 29g. Also, if you follow the "1 inch of fish per 5 gallons" rule (which doesn't take into account the dimensions of the tank) you have already surpassed it with your one angel if you chose to go that route.
Just my two cents.