29 gallon biocube and i want a FO with anemones and fake coral. becuz the tank is to small for both coral and nemones.. and i need to know if a 29 gal is big enough for the anemones. and there is my fishlist i plan to have. and angel goes in last ofcaurse. and i need to know what kind of lighting i should get and what kind of anemones are good. also i need to know if my fish list is good. if there is any uncompatible fish in there.
Cerith Snail X 10
Clean Shrimp X 1
False Percula Clownfish X 2
Orangeback Basslet x 1
Dwarf Flame Angelfish X 1
Bangaii Cardinal X 1
Cerith Snail X 10
Clean Shrimp X 1
False Percula Clownfish X 2
Orangeback Basslet x 1
Dwarf Flame Angelfish X 1
Bangaii Cardinal X 1