29 gal. and 15 gal.


I currently have a 29 gallon quarantine tank set up and running (2 months now). I received from a family friend a 15 gal. tank set-up. My thoughts were to combine the water from the two by means of pumps in essence creating a 44 gal. tank. We tossed the idea of using the 15 gal. for sea horses only (I've done a lot of reading on the horses and realize they are hard to keep- not fully decided on them). What is you input on combining the two tanks?

mr . salty

Active Member
I dont see the advantage. Use the smaller one as the sump for the bigger one. That is the only advantage in combining the two that I can see.STEVE


My reasoning was that it would be somewhat easier to control the water quality since we would be dealing with more water. 29 gal already has it's own filter. I would add a second on the 15.

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray:
I would not pump water back and forth because the balance would be hard to keep even with identical pumps.

This is the point I was trying to get to. Too much trouble for what its worth. Unless you set one up as a sump. You will still increase the water volume,but need an overflow and return pump.STEVE


Since I was given the 15 gal. I was hoping to use it as stated for only the horses but was trying to minimize the work. I understand what you guys are saying and guess my original idea just will not work. Thanks for your input. Sammy- how do you get the water out of your sump? I know you state that the skimmer is hidden but I didn't see any pump. Is the tank drilled?


Thanks for that input Bruner. I think your right about the 2 seperate tanks. Hate to have all that water on the floor if the power goes out! Thanks again.