29 gal R and F tank


hello evryone there.
This is my 29 gal,9 months old, I have royal rama, 2 yellow clown gobies, rainford goby,6 lineswrasse, bicolor blenny goby, yellow watchman, firefish, 2 emerald grarbs, 10 star snails, openbrain coral,mushrơm polyps, yellow star polyps, 2 tree corals, pipe organ coral, 8 pulse xinias about 10 hermit snails......and about 4 inches of live sand and 75 pounds of liverock I woud like to get all of your opinion and suggustion. thank you


Looks nice but it might be overstocked when things start getting bigger. Also with 75 pounds of LR in 29 gallon you don't have alot of water left in there. Just a thought but it looks good.


I am sorry I post wrong picture I took that picture about a month ago, I try to upload anothe picture I just took today but I have to resize it first


I like the tank, but that stand you have is awesome
. What kind of wood is that, and do you know what color of stain is used on it?


Oh yeah, I used to have a 20gl with 80lbs of LR. It was very crowded LOL. Just thought I'd mention that.


The stand and canoby I made by myself using regular flywood 3/4 inch thickness, sorryI can not remember what the color I used because I made it with my desk and my bookshelves about 3 year ago


Looks very nice.... I also have a raniford that has been in my tank for prob 6 months now or sooo... He never has eaten anything fed except for what is in the tank.. is yours the same way? Mine is also very shy.


I also had 150 gal and 75 gal fresh water maybe I willuse 75 gal for me saltwater in near future, I am stard making some more rocks for my 75 gal, here are my fresh waterfishtank



Yes 1510 my is the same way it does not eat any thing, but my is'nt shy at all, i tried to feed it with live baby brine shrimp but i did not see it eat any


Active Member
what lights are you useing on the 29 i have started a 29 reef and am shoping for lights and was just wondering what you used
thanks baby b


Hi babyB .
I used one 65 watt true actinic 03 blue and one 65 watt 10,000k daylight straight pin compact fluorescent,it was from coralife, it is ok, but within a week one of the moonlight was not working any more, it was my fault because I dropped the light in water couple times, when i was cleaning the tank.


Hi Halo & Mcsd22.
Yes I know I had overtock I hope I can move all of them to 75 gal tank but it takes time, because I need more liverock and sand, Thank you very much for you suggestion, so sorry for reply late

sinner's girl

hey, are those all real plants in the freshwater? I love that look...that's what I'm going for with my 55gl since sinner has freshwater fish in there. I have two real plants and more bulbs that I'm trying to grow, a few fake one so it's not empty.


Active Member
i hope there ok because less than an hour ago i baught that exact lighting system. does everything in you tank seen to be doing ok with that lighting everything looked ok


hi sinner girl.
I had these freshwater tank for about 4 years all my plant are live plants, i have to trim them every 2 weeks and took them to LPS for saltwater fish or corals all my live rocks and livesand in my 29 gal were trade from the 150gal and 75gal and i have about 100 to 150 baby angle fish I rased untill they got big then I bring to LPS to get credit for for my saltwater tank too.
I do not have any prolem with the light every things in my tank are healthy from the fish to invertebrates, I do not have any spercial equipments I had 65 gal skimmer from Corallife, small water pump and maxnum 350 canister but i do not use offen maybe 2 o3 times a week and I just let it runs for 10 or 15 min that all



Active Member
what kind of coral do u have your tank looks awsome and i want an awsome tank to so im going to go window shopping in a few days. yeaseterday i went to my fishstore and they have a ric mushroom that is about 9 inches i saw it a few days befor an thought it was about7 inches but i guess it wasnt fully opened it was awsome it was an awsome pink color i just wish i had $50 to buy it i would love it and i would call it my squishy