29 gal tank


New Member
I have a 29 gal tank with 20lbs live rock. I have a blue damsal and a small perc clown, 2 camel shrimp and 3 red leg crabs. Is this okay for a 29 gal tank? My amonia and nitrites are both staying at zero for two weeks now.
If this is okay - would it be pushing it to add a firefish to the mix?


Active Member
How long has your tank been set up? If it has been set up for a while and is doing well you are probably okay with one more small fish if you don't overfeed, but I might worry about your damsel picking on the firefish they can be a bit sensitive to ornery tankmates.


Active Member
It must be a newly set up tank right?
It probably would be ok to add another fish sometime.
But the Damsel may torment the firefish, depending on it's character.


New Member
Yes my tank is new - it went through a 4 week cycle and has had the fish and misc for two weeks now.
Now that you mention it - my damsel is a little aggressive toward my clown - do you have any suggestions as to another fish that I could add.
Thanks for the help!!


Active Member
It's a pretty new tank, I would wait a little bit longer to add another fish, as far as what to add, it is pretty iffy with a damsel. pretty much anything you put in will be harrassed by the damsel. maybe a royal gramma.


i would get some snails in there. maybe 10 astreas, and 5 cerith. i also have 2 fighting conchs in my 29 to keep the sand clean.
i have had my 29 up for almost 3 years no so if i can help you with anything just let me know.


If I were you I would decide whether you want to keep the damsel and limit your options to another semi-agressive fish (ie another damsel or some type or wrasse maybe) or get rid of the damsel and keep all of your other options open. I would not add a firefish with the damsel in there though. I have a firefish and he is a very cool fish, but wouldn't do well with a damsel. I don't think either road is a bad one, it all depends on what fish you want in your tank.