29 gal


I have a 29 gal tank, bought used from a friend $20. It has been running now for around 4 months. Have 28#s LR, 20#s LS, 4 turbo snails, skunk cleaner, and a red legged hermit crab.
My parameters and equipment are such:
ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - < 10
pH - 8.3
Spec Grav - .025
Copper - 0
Temp - 79
Lighting - 2 T5 HO 10000k
2 450 nm actinics
2 Moon glow leDs
Powerhead - 400gph
The only thing else I want to stock it with are a pair of clowns and a sea anemone. I'm moving in a month so I'm in no rush, don't plan on doing anything til I get the tank setup in new house. In fact, don't really plan on buying the anemone for at least another couple of months.
My questions are:
What other test kits do I need?
Do I need a protein skimmer, and if so which is a good HOB one? I heard the remora HOB is good as long as it has the Maxi Jet pump.
Which anemone should I get?
Which clowns should I get that would have the best chances of hosting above anemone?
Do I need more LR for better filtration?
Do I need another powerhead?
Thanks for any and all help


Active Member
What other test kits do I need? I think you have all you need..and moreDo I need a protein skimmer, and if so which is a good HOB one? I heard the remora HOB is good as long as it has the Maxi Jet pump. Protein Skimmers are nice but i don't think i'ts nessecary unless your going for extremely sensitive fish (like horses) or your going for a nice reef tank.
Which anemone should I get? Depends on the type of clown..for example, false percs like carpet anemones, but a maroon (not for sure) may not.

Which clowns should I get that would have the best chances of hosting above anemone? I think there is a good chance for all types of clowns, i don't think it matters. False percs are the least aggressive and i think might be your best bet.

Do I need more LR for better filtration? 28 pounds of rock in a 29 gallon SHOULD be fine. You meant 28 pounds by 28#s right?

Do I need another powerhead? You shouldn't..it seems strong enough it will be plenty for your tank unless your going for a nice reef tank.

I hope iw as helpful..i'm no expert, and i'm sure one will pop in here soon. thats just my 1 1/2 cents


Personally I like the long tentacle anemone(lta)
I have a lta that hosts 2 ocellaris clowns(false percs)
In my opinion a carpet will get to big for your tank and they are known to be fish eaters.
I think a bubble tip may also be a good choice.
Just be sure your tank is up and running for at least 6 months before you get an anemone.