29 Gallon Aquarium (new stuff)


Active Member
Hey this is my 29 gallon i just got new rock heres some specs and pics.
•Live Rock- 50 lbs
•Live Sand- 37 lbs
Wild Percula Clownfish
True Percula Clownfish
Snowflake Eel
2 Emerald Crab
1 Blood red shrimp
Sand Snail
•x2 Secoundnature Whisper Filters
•Rena Cal Top light Excel 100 w heater
•Power Head
•Lifeguard Ultra Violet Sterilizer model QL-8 (not hooked up yet)
Tank Measurements
30 inches wide
Here are some pics..tell me what u think i jusst started about 2 months ago..



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get online
o its my mom's im holding it for her while shes cleaning cuz it keeps getting attacked by her lobster


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hopefully making a reef! once i get lights im slowly getting there
just wanna know like inverts fish and corals lol


Active Member
How "bad" are your lights? If you truly want a reef...then you WILL need to buy some PC's...for a basic reef with LPS, and softies. Or halides if you want SPS and clams. OR, if you truly do have crappy lights...you can do a tank filled with mushrooms, sun corals (if you dont mind spotfeeding), feather dusters, tube anemones, chili corals, sea squirts, crustaceans, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
do you have a place to put that eel once he gets bigger?
Actually, a 29 is the BARE minimum for a snowflake...he may trade it in or whatever...but it is possible to keep it its whole life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Actually, a 29 is the BARE minimum for a snowflake...he may trade it in or whatever...but it is possible to keep it its whole life.
?!! a 55 from everywhere ive heard. They get 2 feet long. keep a 24 inch fish in a 30 in long and 12 inch wide tank seems pretty cruel to me. I think youa re thinking of another type of eel. Plus they are a huge waste producer seeing how they eat a heck of a lot of meet. Youd need a huge skimmer and a sump to even handle the bioload IMO. When they get larger you feed them a few whole shrimp eat feeding. heck, before mind died (i think he got his head caught under a rock), he was only maybe 13 inches and was eating about 6 pieces of krill a day. They eat a lot and grow quickly


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
?!! a 55 from everywhere ive heard. They get 2 feet long. keep a 24 inch fish in a 30 in long and 12 inch wide tank seems pretty cruel to me. I think youa re thinking of another type of eel. Plus they are a huge waste producer seeing how they eat a heck of a lot of meet. Youd need a huge skimmer and a sump to even handle the bioload IMO. When they get larger you feed them a few whole shrimp eat feeding. heck, before mind died (i think he got his head caught under a rock), he was only maybe 13 inches and was eating about 6 pieces of krill a day. They eat a lot and grow quickly
Hold up...I did NOT say it was the right thing to do. I said it was the bare minimum and COULD be done...I did not say it was kind to the animal to do that...I wouldnt want to be stuffed in a closet either.