29 gallon biocube biological warfare


New Member
Well, I just caught my Coral banded shrimp in action: he just ate one of my new salt water mollies whole! he looks like he is about to choke on it....gotta get rid of this guy! will trade him in on something less carnivorous (really thought he was safe in reading about them: wrong again)
you should get some nice cleaner shrimp. or if you have any bad outbreaks(like aiptasia) you could get a few peppermint shrimps.


New Member
I'm getting so paranoid about these shrimp: one source that I read said that the peppermint shrimp eat soft corals and polyps!? Those are too expensive to feed to shrimp... have any of you had this happen?

fish addict

Yup some do. Mine ate my yellow polyps which isn't really a problem since they grow so fast but I didn't have any other soft corals. I am sure he would have ate them too though. The sad thing is he didn't eat any of my aptaisia


Luckily, I don't have any aiptasia......yet (crossing fingers), but I do have a new frag of yellow polyps of which in the last 3 weeks since I've had them have doubled and my peppermint has never paid any attention to them. That could be because I feed my cleanup crew every other day with pellets though. I have a good size crew and I don't want any of them going after anyone else, including my measly 3 little frags. No fish either just yet.


Active Member
Hmmmm cant say i have that issue at all. I have 2 shrimp in my tank, a cleaner and a fire shrimp. Both stay clear of my corals and i have a lot of corals too. 29 Gal biocube, with Torch Coral, Xenia, Yellow Polups, various other colored polyups, lots of shrooms, and couple of leathers.
I do feed them some raw clams every 3 days or so, and the cleaner shrimp likes to snatch the food away from my anenomie when he gets the chance but i never caught any of them eating my corals.
Unless its the type of Shrimp that likes to do that.


The only thing I've seen my skunk cleaner shrimp eating that I wish he wouldn't is my bristle worms. My sexy shrimp and glass anemone shrimp have never touched anything either although they do host on some corals which the corals might not like.