29 Gallon Diary! New Pics

salt chick27

New Member

Heres a few pics of the tank, still fighting some red slime algea but its getting betteran better, no fish yet I want to get all the algea and everything under control first. Theres a few inverts in there an arrow crab to he's still pretty small. The pics arent the best but its something.

I'll get some better shots a different day, Just wanted to get something in here to get the thread started. The tanks been set up for around 6 weeks now.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Sorry about the cynno, I hate that stuff. Just to let you no its not algae its a bacteria that why its no good. Use a turkey baster to blow off your rocks, for your sand use your hose to siphon up small amount of sand (let sand sit in dark bucket for several weeks will kill bacteria, then you can add sand back in). Lots of water changes.

salt chick27

New Member
I know its a bacteria, it is a pain in the butt. I've been reading up on it like crazy. Its dying off I've been doing the water changes and blowing it off the rocks too. Luckily theres not to much coral in there yet at all and I don't plan on putting anything in there until it's gone.

salt chick27

New Member
Here are some new pics of the tank. Added a few additions, let me know what you think.


Full tank shot you can see my wrasse a little under those red mushrooms