29 gallon sump question


Im just wondering if anyone has ever put your baffles in diagonal. I have never seen any pictures with baffles that were diagonal, the story is I had to go to some trouble to get them cut so I dont want to do that again and was wondering if this would work just the same?


It would make my compartments differently shaped but, thats ok cause its a sump/fuge. Is there any reason why I shouldnt do it this way???


Active Member
Why should you do it that way may be the better question. What do you gain for all that trouble?


Well I dont gain anything, the pieces that I cut are just to big and I dont really wnat to go to the trouble and process to get them cut again. I started this project like 3 months ago and Im just getting the plexiglass cut just now. So I really dont gain anything just would be nice to get it done. Is there any reason why this wouldnt work????


Active Member
Oh... ok I see. I don't see why it wouldn't work. If all you are wanting to do is mix the water then those baffles would work fine. The only problem I can see with it is that it would create some irregular chambers in your fuge. I like to keep my heater and some plants in my fuge. With diagonal baffles you would not have square chambers to put this stuff in. It might not fit too well. But other than that, you should be fine.


Ok, thank you for your help, I have one more question concerning the awkward chambers. I didnt think about putting the heaters and the pump in those chambers. So what would you do??? Would you just make the chambers bigger and have a smaller fuge? What would you suggest?


Active Member
I guess it depends on what you are trying to do with a fuge. I use mine to grow algae and my mangroves. I put a regular grow bulb over my fuge which causes algae to grow like crazy. I figure that if I have algae growing in my fuge, it will not want to grow in my main tank. I then just scrape this algae out every now and then when I feel it is getting too thick. It kind of works as an algae scrubber which increases dissolved oxygen and it removes phosphates and silicates from the water. I also like to keep my heater in the fuge because I don't like to look at it in the main tank. I put the heater in the fuge and the thermometer in the main tank. I then set the heater so that it maintains a tank temp of about 82 degrees. If you want to keep fish in your fuge then maybe putting your heater in there would be a bad idea since your fuge would probably run a few degrees warmer because it is heating up your main tank.
Either way, I don't see a problem with using diagonal baffles. It just depends on wether or not it will work for you.


Hey man thank you for your help that eases my mind alot. I do appericate your help. I think Im going to use my fuge as a frag tank kinda. Maybe, really its just going to be a tank for the trade. But Im way excited and thanks again.