29 Gallon work? (need your opinion)


Have a 29 gallon FRESHWATER tank. Fidh in the tank are too crowded to live. Have Pacu, and a load of other large and small fish. I need to put them in my new 55 galllon tank (emty), but I have been stalling because I discovered the Saltwater fish. I am very interesting in getting a reef tank, but my FW fish are getting bigger. I need your oppinion on this. What would you do? Should I have a saltwater fish tank in the 29 gallon tank? And if so, would I be able to have a snowflake morey eel in it? How about a anenemone if I get some clowns with it? Would it be hard to keep a reef tank in a 29 gallon? Or a Just fish tank?
Tell me what you would do. My opinion doesn't matter!

fish fry

1st a Pacu will easily outgrow a 55. They need VERY large tanks.
A 29 gallon reef is possible although I would personally suggest starting with a fish only system or Fish only with Live Rock.
Do this for at least a couple of months to gain expirence with salt. You shouldn't have delicate and expensive live stock until you get the hang of things. Just my opinion.
Some people say a Moray is fine in a 29 gallon, personally I feel they would be best in a 55 or larger.
Clowns really do not need anenemones to live. I would highly recommend avoiding anenemones. They have a horrible tract record of survival in captivity, even with expirenced aquarist.
It is easyiest and best to start with species that are a hardy.
Keep asking ?'s and you'll be fine.


Well to start I would read a couple of books to get an idea what you are in for. I read several books before I even starting buying any equipment..etc. "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner and "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Palleta is also a great book. To answer some of your other question I think a 29 is to small for a Snowflake eel also if you wanted clowns they may become a snack for the eel. To answer your other questions Clowns do not need an anemone to survive. People just love the interaction of the two. And everyones opinion counts. :)