29g Biocube Reef



My Biocube 29 Reef

I had a 72g corner running for a couple of years. Lately I have been neglected it due to my work schedule. It was getting to a point where it was a chore doing water changes and cleaning it. Of course, without the proper maintenance, I had a huge hair algae bloom. I had to do something. I needed something that was more manageable. After doing some research I decided on a biocube. I liked the all-in one units and I scored a great deal on Craigslist. So I tore down my 72g and transferred what I needed to the much smaller biocube.
Here's the list of equipment and livestock:
Ecoxotic Panorama Pro LED in white/blue and blue/magenta
1 Coralife Actinic for dawn/dusk effect
Stock moonlights
AquaticLife Internal Mini Protein Skimmer 115
InTank media basket with filter floss, Purigen and Chemi Pure
Factory pump
Aquaclear powerhead
Natural Wave wavemaker
Pink spot watchman goby
2 percula clowns
Purple Psuedo
Coral beauty
Green Bubble
Red open brain
clove polyps
finger leather
devil's hand
star polyps
colt coral
button polyps
orange monti
colt coral

63" />



Looks great! very similar to what i want to set up once i get moved....
so the only thing is with the cube you have to be ONTOP of water quality and changes.. hopefully it will be easier for you to keep up on...
Good luck and let us know how its going!


Originally Posted by smallreef http:///t/390019/29g-biocube-reef#post_3452264
Looks great! very similar to what i want to set up once i get moved....
so the only thing is with the cube you have to be ONTOP of water quality and changes.. hopefully it will be easier for you to keep up on...
Good luck and let us know how its going!
My water changes are more frequent, but now I only have to change 5 gallons instead of 20 gallons like on my other tank. Takes me 10 minutes to do a WC. Plus, it's not as tall (I'm short) and I don't need to stool to reach the bottom of the tank.


New Member

I used to run cross country and I completely understand the need to distract oneself from physical fatigue. I used to write a list on my arm of things to meditate on and think about for each mile. It was also a great way to track my progress because I'd be visually moving down my list. It worked.
