29g BIOcube ?


IM thinking about buying a 29g bio cube from my LFS and wanted to know if this is a good starter tank i plan on putting False Percula Clownfish - Mated Pair and some coral and maybe one more small fish and i know i have to wait untill i put the fish and coral but would this be good for a starter


ok good and also what size should i get for the quaratine tank and should i buy any upgrades or buy different stuff than the stock items it comes with


New Member
Excellent starter tank. I would say you can have that mated pair and a smaller fish like a goby or one of the smaller damselfish.
Zooanthid polyps and most mushrooms are very good starter coral.
Get a crew of cleaners to.


I would go with a bio cube protien skimmer as well and a nano korilla pump.
you could always spilt the return hose as i did and set one to skim the top and the other to flow the bottom.


rtspeed...could you show me how you did that and how it looks as i was planning on doing that! THanks in advance!


yea rtspeed that sounds like a good idea but i have no clue how to do it is there anyweb site i could find out how that looks and how to do it .

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by kiki05
SO does anyone know about how many fish and coral i can keep in a 29 g and what type of coral
you can keep as much coral as you want cause they do nto add to the bioload. It is just a matter of what corals you can have. You can have any type of soft coral (ricordeas mushrooms zoas etc) and some LPS ( frogspawn and stuff on the top half of the tank) and for fish you can have the pair of clowns and 1 or 2 smaller fish.


Ok thanks matt b i finally bought the tank today im fixing to get everything set up with 19lbs of LR to start hopefully i can get some pics up soon

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by kiki05
Ok thanks matt b i finally bought the tank today im fixing to get everything set up with 19lbs of LR to start hopefully i can get some pics up soon
Pix are required for help


Active Member
Originally Posted by kiki05
Ok thanks matt b i finally bought the tank today im fixing to get everything set up with 19lbs of LR to start hopefully i can get some pics up soon
Let that bad boy cycle and test for the cycle before adding CUC, fish, etc. Patience with the cycle will save you money and deaths in the long run.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by kiki05
well i ended up buying 41lbs of LR is that too much for a 29g and how long does it take to cycle
it can go from a few days to a month. You need to wait for the ammonia to spike then go down then nitrite to spike do down and then go down and then nitrate will go up then do a water change and you can add clean up crew. It is good to have more rock the rock works as a filter. So as long as it looks good to you thats good that you got that much to fit


well if it is to much, you could use it as a filter in place of the bioball (as if this is going to be a reef tank then take them out).
As for the cycle can take anywhere for 3 days to 6 months, normally it takes about 2 weeks for a nano give or take a week.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by rtspeed
well if it is to much, you could use it as a filter in place of the bioball (as if this is going to be a reef tank then take them out).
As for the cycle can take anywhere for 3 days to 6 months, normally it takes about 2 weeks for a nano give or take a week.
6 months?!?!?!? What tank have you seen take 6 months?


well i bought more LR and have 30 to 35 lbs of it and my water already cleared up ill try to put pics up tonight im just trying to figure out how to do it