29g upgrade need comments!





one more

its a beautiful thing!

close up, currently acclimating corals to MH lighting thats why there in the corners.
Sorry for the not so clear images. I used my a900 blade phone to take these pics. And for a camera phone I think it came out pretty good. I know i prolly need some more rock. All and any comments are welcome.


Here's more

My little teal zoo colony

my very first frag

my very first frag today

my little hermit got into a cone snail shell, i just thought this was funny.


Active Member
So you like the lighting system so far? I almost went with that one but my LFS recommended the Aqua Medic Ocean Light instead. The Coralife is great for odd spaces and non-standard tanks. Looks good. Have you noticed a temp increase at all with the new lighting?


Originally Posted by fishmamma
So you like the lighting system so far? I almost went with that one but my LFS recommended the Aqua Medic Ocean Light instead. The Coralife is great for odd spaces and non-standard tanks. Looks good. Have you noticed a temp increase at all with the new lighting?
i haven't noticed any temp changes. the only thing i did notice is that the heater no longer kicks on during the day only the night.


How much evaporation do you get from that setup?
Oh and that looks 100 times better. I should take some pictures of my setup up like that I am building a hood this weekend for my 25 gallon with PCs.


Active Member
cool you live in chicago. i live in naperville 40 mins away. first which lfs do you go to cause since i'm 12 i can't find many cause parents can't drive me around when i want to. second where did you get those lights. i plan on upgrading to a 29 as soon as i get rid of my tiger oscars.


I'm all around chicago and the burbs.
I had to search high and low to find that fixture called about 20 places around the US then finally someone had it in stock. I saw it once and fell in love with it.