29gal Bio-cube High Nitrate Problem- Need Help!


New Member
I have a 29g bio-cube thats been running about 2-months. I'm having extremly high nitrate problem that I need help getting lowered.
I have 40lbs cured live rock, about 6 snails, water temp about 78-79, salt leval at about 1.020, ammonia at zero, nitrite at zero, ph is good. I ditched the bioballs, filled the second chamber with live-rock rubble all the way to about 3-inches from the top. My question is are the nitrates building up in the second chamber where there is not much movement ? Do you think that is the problem? Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.....


Active Member
the LR rubble can collect nitrates. i would get rid of rock rubble and just use cheato in there
Also i would bring the salinity up to 1.025 or so, and how often do you do waterchanges?


New Member
I've only done one 5 gal change, my guy at the LFS says I should not do many water changes for the first month or so.... say it defeats the purpose of maturing the water he says....Where do I get cheato? Do I have to have a light on it ? Trying to not complicate things. So you thing the rubble the problem with the Nitrate ?