29Gal. restart, a little help with ?


New Member
Howdy all,
I wanted to say thanks, back in 02, I set up my 29 gal and ran it for a year with no problems thanks to the advice on this board. I just sold my 125g and am ready to restart the 29 and my memory is getting fuzzy (it has been a few years)...could I bother you with a few questions....
1. I have a DSB (about 3.5"). It has some detrious on top...do you think I should wait for a cleaner crew to "clean" up or can you vacume it? If so, how do you set up a vacume, I never needed one before.
2. stocking... does 5 small fish seem ok? maybe percula, 2 firefish, a damsel or chromis, and one other pick?
3. I have heard, but not experienced, that valentini puffers can be relatively docile...what do you think? This will be a FOWLR tank...could a v-puffer make room for 2-3 other fish in a 29gal?
One other quick question to pick your brains...
if you have a 10gal that is just stuffed with rock and a DSB, do you think it could support a small octopus? in nano tanks, do you measure the water volume, or the tank volume? I once had a 10gal setup with a damsel in it that was about 40% rock, 20% sand, and 40% water by volume, meaning there was really only about 4 gallons of water in there!
hope everyone is enjoying their tanks!