2nd BTA

I have 2 tomato clowns. I purchased a green BTA last week. The male was hosting in it for the first 5 days. The female wanted nothing to do with it. Now she runs him out of it and wont leave the BTA alone. This is where I need some opinions. I want to get a 2nd BTA for the male. How close can it be to the 1st BTA? Would the same color have the female thinking they are both hers? What's an average lenght of time to know if a BTA is and will stay alive after acclimation? Will they both fight even more if they both host different BTA's? Enquiring minds want to know.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
This is if'y, there is nothing written that says it will or will not work out with more than one anemone in a tank. It is written that a clone of one has the best sucess rate with co-existing with its mom. Lots of people do and it works out well, others do it and experience problems. Other than physical fighting, biological warfare is also a consideration and running carbon bags is highly recomended. PLacement will be ultimatly up to the animal however IMO it should be placed far away from the first specimine. After that careful observation and a little luck and it might just work out.


Active Member
I would just keep one in the tank . The female is more likely showing who`s boss and if not already or when they pair up they should share the nem .


You can have two of the same kind and if your purpose is to host the male, you may need to distance between the two BTA. Otherwise the female will try to protect the 2nd BTA although she only host the 1st one. Good luck.