2nd death in a week... HELP!!!!


Tank is 3 months old, water has been stable for 2 months (Ammonia=0, Nitrates=0, Nitrites=0, Ph=8.1- 8.2 for the last 3 weeks, Kh=12 drops). I'm adding calcium for the LR. See the rest of the tank info below.
My Yellow Tang was one week old when he died (Last Sunday), Now my Naso died, he'd been in the tank since Sunday.
The Yellow Tail Damsels were happy as could be until they were sent back to the LFS last week. The Blenny seems happy, and me CBS is lookin good. My one coral looks great, all open with good colors.


I have a 55 and was told after my yellow tang died after two weeks that they need at least a 75 and also I think a Naso & a Yellow in a tank your size is simply too much..But you can only learn from your mistskes..good luck..


Active Member
I think you should let your tank mature for at least another 3 months before adding another tang IMO.
Why are you adding calcium for the LR?
Do you have LPS or SPS? They need calcium, not the LR. If you don't have anything that uses calcium it will stay in the system. Have you checked it? Please check and post the results. I think you will find it is high.
Good luck, HTH


I add b-ionic calcium for my LR. LFS said the LR needs it to keep the color. They said I don't need to use it if I don't mind the rock losing the color (I assume the c. algae). The bottle says to add such amount each day, but the LFS said to do it just once a week.


Active Member
If you just have LR in the tank the calcium that you add when doing water changes (in the salt) should be enough unless you have alot of coraline growth. If you do regular water changes and use a good salt, check your levels and it should be around 350 to 400ppm....


I do have a lot of coraline growth and love it. That is why I add the calcium. I had it checked today just in case... it is at 500. LFS said that was ideal? I've heard 400 here... so is 500 way too much?
50 gal long FOWLR w/some inverts. 60+lbs LR, 65lb dsb, Skilter, powerheads.
1 Purple Tang
2 Percula Clowns
2 Yellow Tail Damsels
1 Yellow-Head Sleeper Goby
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Serpent Star, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Pepperment Shrimp, 7 Snails, 10 Hermits


Same thing for me, LFS said the c.alge needed the calcium. I trust my LFS guy so far. Is he wrong on this?
Would the Calcium have anything to do with the death of the Tang & Naso? Why would the Blenny be so happy then?


I'm in Sac too.
Who IS your LFS AND the guy you're listening to?
The advice to get a yellow tang for your 48 was wrong...the Naso for it was WAY wrong. Obviously whoever your LFS guy is is not giving you good advice.


Active Member
Yes the coraline uses the calcium. 500 is alittle high, but don't sweat over it.
No, I don't think the fish died from the calcium.
It could be alot of things. The tank is small for the fish, but that doesn't kill them in one week unless they were fighting.
It could be new tank syndrom, cyanide(spelling) poisoning (if wild caght), not acclamize right, ect...
It's real hard to tell in a new tank and anew additions.
Not much info to go on, sorry.


Hey guys, has anyone seen Aquasite.com? It has some good stuff, like diagnosing fish diseases, calculations, etc.


Active Member
Since your fish died fairly quickly and you didn't notice disease it's hard to say what got them...could be any of the above. In a 55 you should be able to keep one tang ( certain size) for instance the yellow tang. They need lots of greens and should be fed dried seaweed like seaweed slelects or seaweed salad several times a week. I have had a yellow tang pretty big, app 2.5 inches in my 55 for 3 months and it has survived ich and done great and is very happy. the thing is don't want to add very many other fish if you have a tang in there, they need plenty of swimming room and a quiet space. IMO :)