3-4 degree temp swing


New Member
I have had my Solana 34 gallon setup for about a year and I just added a 150 watt Sunpod about week ago. It is a reef setup, LPS and Polyps
Before adding the Sunpod my temperature ranged between 78-80 F
Now with the Sunpod it ranges from about 79.5 to 83.5 F
Normally by the end of my lighting cycle my temp is about 83.5 and overnight drops to about 79.5/80 F
I have my heater set on 80 F to eliminate some of the swing.
Nothing seems to show signs of stress, but there are so many opinions that say more than a 2 degree swing is bad. I have see on the web that some say (just opinions) even a 5 degree isn't bad within a 24 hour period. Just wanted some more input on this temp swing.
I haven't seen any data, but doesn't some of the world's natural reefs have these 3-4 degree temp swings? Between night and day?
fyi, Temp inside my house is about 72 F all the time.

nano reefer

Active Member
have you ever considered a chiller, or if you are ona tighter budget, a colling fan or two? if you have sump, a small desk fan aiming straight at the water can lower temps by 2-3 degrees, which would eliminate the swing.


New Member
I don't think the swing is a threat, but just wanted more input (i.e. more people that have this swing and don't have any problems).
I'm not taking any action unless I notice any changes with my corals, invertebrates, fish, etc.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shady1984
I don't think the swing is a threat, but just wanted more input (i.e. more people that have this swing and don't have any problems).
I'm not taking any action unless I notice any changes with my corals, invertebrates, fish, etc.

I am in the same boat, I am hoping that hot summer in this new place won't force me to get a chiller. I am so tired of buying equipment. I want to spend my money on coral...but I have to keep it all alive, so spend on equipment I do.
I had PC lights that put out some heat, and I have kept my tank at a balmy 80-82 with some tiny creeping toward 83, for the last three years with no ill effects on corals, inverts, or fish, and on the plus it is good for my Hippo Tang.
So in my opinion I think you will be fine...watch for what summer heat does to see if a chiller is a necessity.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shady1984
while searching internet I found this, but not sure about validity
Well it would explain why my Tang is so happy with high temps, and the coral never suffered. I figured as much...Thanks for the "expert" witness of a diver in the reef itself. WOW, good find for this topic!
The reason most folks keep a cooler tank (78-80) is to head off problems. The lower the temp the slower the progression of coral and fish disease, so if a problem arises they have time to figure out what to do.