3 Clowns dead and totaly lost


Hi, im curious if any one can help me, I have had a 46 gallon reef tank for about 3 months and just recently I have lost 3 clowns (percula) I thought that my local suppliers might be of some help but as of today I think im losing hope in there ethics and ideas. about 2 weeks ago I lost 2 clowns back to back both had been getting there tails eaten off at night time the first lost half his tail one night then the rest of it by the next night, a day later he died, then the little clown had the same thing start happing to him, so that day I bought some (brand) API, (name) MELAFIX, (purpose) antibacterial fish remedy. I dosed the tank like my supplier had said and did so for 3 days then the little clown died. so on saturday I bought another healthy clown very vibrant in color and attitude, aclimated him, and he was fine for 2 days then this morning when I got up for work he was being eaten by my sallylightfoot, fins still in tact and not stiff. he only had a little hole in his side where the sally was eating, he was very active last night and seemed like he was in good shape. the only other fish in the tank is a yellow watchman goby, there are several hermits no bigger than a nickel, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 camel shrimp. my live rocks are also infested with bristle worms, I was told that the worms were not a problem.
So I would apppreciate any thoughts or ideas anyone had about this, I dont know if its bad luck or I just dont know what im doing, I am a novice at the mini reef and at posts and threads. thank you


Active Member
I wouldn't be suprised if it's the sally lightfoot that's attacking them at night. They're known to catch small fish to eat.


thank you viper i had my suspicions but cant catch or prove it was the sally, i was told that the sally was a peacfel tank mate.


my lfs said those sallylightfoot were reef safe. When i looked them up i found out they weren't. My lfs's ethics and stupidy factors are excessively high. :mad:


i'm sure the crab wouldn't mind eating them
my clowns just sit on the sand at night and if my tank had any predators they would be dead most likely :scared:


Active Member
If thats your list of tankmates the sally is the only option. However, its hard to tell if the fish actually died because of the crab. It is also possible the crab just ate the remains. Clowns are slow in general but at night im pretty sure even I could catch them. I would remove the sally and try one more time. If the fish remains healthy you have found your problem.


Active Member
If you do not remember anything else remember this.
"DO NOT trust ANY crab" to be any kind of safe.
Just consider yourself lucky if you have crabs and not having any problems.......


Originally Posted by chipmaker
If you do not remember anything else remember this.
"DO NOT trust ANY crab" to be any kind of safe.
Just consider yourself lucky if you have crabs and not having any problems.......
I thought most hermit crabs were reef safe. Mine are. So are arrow crabs.


i personally wouldnt be blaming it on the crabs, they're scavengers..
now lets say you had a blue crab, then yea.. he's a real meat eater,
you said you dosed your tank? i personally wouldnt dose my tank with any "remedies", and you dont quarantine any of your fish??
if i were you i'd get a 10 gallon tank, simple stuff, easy HOB filter and have the fish in there for at least 2 weeks
that way you can feed him, so it gets used to being fed your type of flakes or whatever it is you feed the clowns.


Active Member
"Reef safe" does not refer to the safety of fish, but the compatability with everything else such as inverts. Arrow Crabs are notorious fish catchers.


Active Member
Caught my ex arrow crab making a meal of a small fish who was healthy a minute before I saw him eating it, thats why hes my ex arrow crab!