3 inch maroon clown vanished.... mantis???


how large of a mantis shrimp would it take to hijack a maroon clown??? i have a 180 with 200+ lbs of live rock. the last batch of rock (60 lbs) was purchased about a 3 weeks ago (tank is 3 months old) from a place in florida. the rock was nice with lots of life. that life however included,to this point, three mantis shrimps. the largest, which is now in my sump, is about as long as your pinky finger. the other two were babies. i know there's another one lurking because i hear him clicking away at night now. the clown was the only fish in the tank. i can't find him anywhere. i've moved rocks (some of them), i've looked to see if he could have jumped out, i looked in the filters.... nothing. the only other things in the tank are hermits, snails, and a few very small hitchhiker crabs. any ideas?????????????? also, anyone ever used a trap to catch these little buggers??? i was able to get the other ones by doing a hypersaline dip but with this one, i can't seem to find which rock he's hiding in. i just ordered 125 bucks worth of inverts from swf due to arive wednesday. man, he's going to eat like a champ. 50 bucks for the clown. 125 for the other inverts. expensive hitchhiker. jeesh