3 Large Wrasses - Can it be done?


Active Member
I currently have a Tusk and a Red Coris in my 240g and would like to try to add a Green Bird or a Broomtail.
I had a Green Bird before but thanks to the Ich outbreak it brought with it I lost it. It and the Tusk got a long well but I just don't know how the Coris will react.
I may try it again. Tank is a 240g 96'x24"x24".
Anyone kept multiple large Wrasses?


Active Member
Should work. If I were trying a combo of large wrasses, those 3 would be up there (maybe a Cuban Hog instead of the Bird, but that's a personal choice). For all intensive purposes, a Bird wrasse is one of the smaller Thalassoma wrasses (Pinkface/Klunzinger’s/Bluehead/etc), with it's unique beak, so they should be just as hardy, maybe the difference being their beaks being more susceptible to damage/trauma.
How big is the Coris?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
How big is the Coris?
My Coris is probably 7-8".
I'm actually considering the Broomtail they have here instead of the Bird, but no way of knowing if they have males or females. And I'm afraid my Damsels may be in grave danger..lol


Active Member
Ah, the Broomtail. Now we're talking where Wrasses are Wrasses (the cheilinus genus)! Whenever I proceed to build my large predator tank, the Broomtail's more attractive cousin, the Triple Tail Wrasse, is the only fish, besides a BlueLine grouper, that's set-in-stone-have-to-have.
Not sure if it was here, or the bigger blue-and-white board, but someone had a Broomtail rip the face off a 9" Emperor Angel. Not sure if was an accident going after food, or just aggression, but on the same token, there's someone with a really overloaded 125, on the big board, with a Broomtail, and he's one of the most passive fish. I guess it depends on the individual, as one of the LFS's a bit far from me in Palm Bay, also has a Broomtail in a 220gal display, with an Emperor, and large Humu, that also seems quite civilized.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Not sure if it was here, or the bigger blue-and-white board, but someone had a Broomtail rip the face off a 9" Emperor Angel.
If one killed my DME I might have a fish fry! Now I'm second guessing and going back to a Green Bird Wrasse.
Hmm, what to do, what to do....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
If one killed my DME I might have a fish fry! Now I'm second guessing and going back to a Green Bird Wrasse.
Hmm, what to do, what to do....

Yeah I'd want to participate in the fish fry of noted public enemy to make sure justice is served LOL... killing a $1000 eel is a crime against humanity and fish-ery. haha.


Active Member
Well, the Broomtail is the last(latest) edition, and not the other way around. I would definitely have more reservation is you were adding more wrasses/fish to an established Broomtail, but the other way around, they should be fine (we all know what 'should' means
I think another harder part, would be finding a smaller Broomtail. How big is the one at the LFS? A large adult would obviously be the most aggressive IME, and be the one to avoid.


Active Member
Back on my plan (Broomtail gets to big)...but now I'm on my 4th Wrasse...
Aust Tusk
Red Sea Green Bird
Red Coris
and now.....
Male Banana Wrasse
What's my chances?


Active Member
The fact that the Thalassoma is last is definitely helping your chances. I could maybe see some aggressive between the banana and the bird wrasse, I'd think they'd work though. Probably having 4, is going to be better then 3, IMHO.


Ive always been a big fan of the bird wrasse
So, i think you should try a B.W. again because im sure if it didnt have ich you'd prod still have it


Active Member
Originally Posted by SYNJAY6661
Ive always been a big fan of the bird wrasse
So, i think you should try a B.W. again because im sure if it didnt have ich you'd prod still have it

Already have one in there, picked up a large Red Sea one from here. About 7" and doing great. Crazy thing eats nori even soaked in Zoe and selcon.
SO...I've left the lights out all night, timer kicks the light on today around 1pm. I'll go home for lunch and see if there is any problems. Plenty of hiding places and caves to move through. The tusk initially went after the Bird but they have worked it out to only a half hearted chase from time to time. The Banana is smaller (maybe 4-5") so hopefully they don't view him as a big threat and let him be. Plus he seems to be faster than a speeding bullet. I think the 8' tank is still just maybe enough room for him..lol
Wish me luck! If it works out this is my final fish in this tank.

small triggers

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Should work. If I were trying a combo of large wrasses, those 3 would be up there (maybe a Cuban Hog instead of the Bird, but that's a personal choice). For all intensive purposes, a Bird wrasse is one of the smaller Thalassoma
wrasses (Pinkface/Klunzinger’s/Bluehead/etc), with it's unique beak, so they should be just as hardy, maybe the difference being their beaks being more susceptible to damage/trauma.
How big is the Coris?
UMMM can i just say Intents and Purposes (sorry I am kind of a stickler for grammatically correct sayings)


Active Member
All 4 Wrasses 5-8" and doing fine.
When it was the Tusk and Red Coris - ignored each other
When added the Green Bird - Tusk chased for a day or two and nocked a few scales off, but now ignores. Red Coris ignored the Bird.
When added the Banana Wrasse - Tusk ignored, Green Bird chased a little, Coris was upset and chased more aggresivley for a day or two.
Now all 4 are living in peace even during feeding time.
Harly Tusk
Red Coris
Green Bird


I have a yellow wrasse, a lunare and a cleaner wrasse in my 150. All 3 completely ignore each other, other than the cleaner who occasonally tries to clean the lunare. But that doesn't last long.