3 quick questions


Last night I was looking at my tank after the lights had gone out and I spotted what looked like a light brown rollie pollie on one of my pieces of live rock I watched him for about 30 min until I lost sight of him. Anyone have any idea what this could have been?
Today I was looking in my tank and noticed what appeared to be 2 green bubbles on one of my live rocks. Any idea what it could be?
Also, I have gotten a huge outbreak of brown algae (my tank is nearing the end of its cycle I think) Should I go ahead and clean off what my 3 snails are missing or just kind of let it run its course and worry about cleaning the glass later?


Active Member
You will see all kinds of worms and small bug like creatures on your LR, they are normally all good and beneficial to a tank.
The green bubbles are probably bubble algae, you should try to remove them, I would take the piece of rock out of the tank and use something sharp to scrape the bubble algae off the rock, if you do it in the tank they can burst and spread in the tank.
As far as the brown diatom algae, as long as you are using RO/DI water it will go away eventually, it won't hurt to clean it off the glass though.


the rollies are pods. they are good for the tank. If you do a search there is a lot of great info on them.