3 stripped Damsel


My 24 jbj has been up and running since august 2005 with no problems but 1. The first fish that I put in were a 3 stripped damsel, a true percola clown, and an algea blenny. My only problem is that now the Damsel is so aggressive that no matter what type of polyp, invert, coral, or anything else for that matter that he kills everything. since the clown and blenny were put in at the same time he leaves them alone. How do I get rid of him without disturbing all of my rockwork? He won't come out of the rocks if I am anywhere near the tank. Thanks, please help.

jimmy 4

I think you can buy fish traps. I dont really know how well they work or if you can even get them. lol im not much help.


Active Member
Heh - I'm guessing by now you know why everyone don't like them. Nice fish but a terror to own. LOL !! I think eventually it's going to come down to breaking down the tank and get the rocks out in order to catch him. Good luck with catching him.


Active Member
Get a bottle of gatorade or something- not a big one unless you have a big tank, or you can use a jar.
Cut off the top of the gatorade bottle and invert it into the jar, The fish will swim into the hole. as he swims in the hole gets smaller. He enters the bottle and cant find his way out.
this is the only pic I could find

heres an illus. try to click it
flickr acct


Active Member
ya I bought one for 5 bucks on ---- cause I couldnt really tell what it was until I got it home. the 5 bucks was worth the idea though.
I caught my two DAMNsels this way.