3 Super FO tanks


Active Member
Those are some beautiful fish in there, especially the Conspiculatus Angel, but I've got to say, it looks like bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic with all those fish in there. You mentioned that the Conspiculatus is 7 years old, and the PBT is 5; have there been any problems with the other fish in there?
Just introduce you another FO environment.
I think the fish there is not so happy.....But he can handle the fish so nice and maintain the fish's color so good...that's a hard work.
I saw a regal angelfish in one of the photos, how long has the tank owner had it? I have heard these have the worst survival records in the hobby and wanted to know what he feeds does or anything to keep it alive. The tank is way overloaded but I must say the aquascaping is very cool.
In my tank, the regal is more than 8 monthes...
U can see the pics
That's a red sea regal. In taiwan, the Pacific / Indonesia Regal also rarely lived over 3 monthes... A friend of mine already tried to feed Regal over 13 !...But in his 800 L LPS tank , there is no one survived...
BTW , we always do the exchange or present job while the fish is not fit to the original tank. In my tank, the queen (J.) and King (J.) was from other 2 fish pals. And in my tank, they grow wonderful.
If the fish grows too big, we will change the fish to other bigger or spacious tank.
Thats alot of fish , no live sand ... the bio load on that tank has to be emense ! they must have one heck of a sump system to maintain it. Though those are some sharp looking fish !!
another half sump...
BTW , U might not agree the way they use . But one of them has a 10.5 years old Blueface .7 years Asfur. 2.5 years Regal...
I have some pics and mpeg files , but I did not know how to share them.


Nice fish, but I agree with everyone else that the tank is grossly overstocked. It's like one of those roadside zoos where the animals have just enough room to turn in a circle. More like a prison than a fish tank IMO.


:eek: :eek: :eek: That is amzing. How is that possible. :confused: How many thousands of dollars did they put in those tanks. Jeffrey nice setup. I love angels. Blue Angel is my favorite. WOW


were those fish collected or were they bought, cant imagine what it would cost for those.
if they were collected i can imagine why there are so many of them. i would be like "wow, that ones nice, oooohh so is that one, mmm that one too, wheres my net im gonna take them all."