30-40 gallon owners, need fish ideas


Active Member
I came home from work today to find my coral beauty dead. Don't know why but suspect the powerhead judging by the state of his body. So I'm in the market for a new fish. My tank is a 33 gallon 48" long. Inhabitants are a maroon clown and royal gramma. I'm debating on another dwarf angel or possibly a sixline wrasse. Any ideas or suggestions would be great, nothing that will outgrow this tank as upgrade is many years away. Thanks.


Active Member
No I have a cleaner and coral banded. I would love a longnose hawkfish but don't want them to get eaten. The firefish I think would get killed by my maroon, she's pretty aggressive. Maybe for my nano though.... :thinking:


Active Member
with the maroon it clown its going to be hard to choose fish that wont get bullied yet wont outgrow the tank or eat shrimp. all the fish that can stand up to it (hawkfish,toby puffer) will eat or attempt to eat the crustascean (although the toby night not if you get it small). another dwarf angel is probably a good bet.

jonny bolt

I have had my Valentini Puff for almost 2 years. i rescued him when he was young from on of the LFS' that are notorious for shitty tank conditions. I have turbo snails, a hermit crab, and a GIANT coral banded shrimp, and he leaves them alone. He was in a 38g tank for about a year, but last winter I upgraded to a 72g bow. The Puff is a great fish for your size tank. Also, Maroon Clowns are freakin awesome too. Both great choices in my humble opinion


sixlines or other wrases would look great but a flame angle or fuzzy dwarf would look realy good if its a fowlr or fo


actually i've had my fuzzy in my tank for a long time now and my corals and anemone are all growing like weeds with no problems with water quality.


Active Member
I thought you needed 6 or so inches of substrate for jawfish. My boyfriend would love one but I have about a half inch of crushed coral and the tank is only 12 inches tall.