30 days of hyposalinty


Beth, Terry, Anthem -
Just wanted to verify something. The required 30 days of hyposalinity for ich treatment, do I start counting from the first day I get my salinity down to 1.009, or from the first day I no longer see signs of ich on any of the fish?
I'm about 11 days into hypo right now and I still see a couple of white spots on my powder blue tang. Do I start counting 30 days once I no longer see any ich on him?


Well, something's not right. My powder blue tang is completely covered in ich again. I'm 12 days into hyposalinity now. I'm using both a swing arm and glass type hydrometer to measure salinity. I've checked it everyday to keep it at 1.009. I suppose its possible that both hyrdometers are out? What shoud I do - go out and buy a refractometer?


Yes, it's definitely new ich. The tang was covered in ich when I first started the hypo process, but within 4-5 days there was nothing visible on him anymore (except those strange bumps I posted in another message, which also cleared up over time). Anyway, now the tang is completely covered in white spots again. I'm going to pick up either a refractometer or electronic salinity monitor and figure out what's going on.


Definitely no new fish added during the past 12 days. No new anything - not during the hypo process.


I just purchased an expensive Salinity Monitor - "Pinpoint" by American Marine Inc. Everything is fine except that the device measures in units of microsiemens (mS). No problem, a conversion chart came with the unit that will allow me to convert to specific gravity.
But there is only one problem! For some VERY STRANGE reason, their conversion chart is missing the specific gravity conversions between 1.0067 and 1.014. I've looked on the web for a posting of the conversion table that comes with the PinPoint unit, and all the tables I found are missing the same specific gravity range - I don't get it.
Can anyone post a complete conversion table? Or, at the very least, can someone tell me what the microsiemens (mS) factor for a specific gravity of 1.009 should be?


Thanks Anthem. I contacted American Marine Inc. and they faxed me the entire salinity conversion chart from 0.9991 thru 1.0468. A salinity of 1.009 is exactly 21.5 microsiemens as you stated.
So here are the results of my tests - my hypo tank is sitting at 23.3 microsiemens which works out to about 1.010 specific gravity. My hydrometers were out 1 point compared to the salinity monitor.
Back to my problem - a new bout of ich has infected my tang (13 days into hypo now). So lets say all along I was keeping my tank at a true s.g. of 1.010. I think I was doing a decent job of checking it daily and keeping at that level, but it could have popped up a couple of times. Is this the reason for my continuing ich problems?


My tank is 72 gallons.
OK - Now that I have a decent salinity monitor, I will definitely be able to keep the salinity at 14-16 ppt without any trouble.
Since my tang has been infected with a new batch of ich, am I basically starting the entire hypo process over again? Another 30 days starting today?