30 gal reef to a 125


What is the proper protocal here? I have moved all my stuff from my (2) 30 gal reefs to my new 125 gal. I used allot of the water" almost all of it" from my existing tanks, and the rest new. there is about 70 to 80 lbs lr in there, bare bottom, the fish look great and the corals look like crap. I checked the specific gravity this morning and it was 1.019, way low so i added more salt and will check it later. my concern is that with the 30 gals there wasnt much to do. all i did was regular water changes and added basic suppliments and the reef was doing well. now that I have a much bigger tank are there going to be issues of element depletion? My cal stayed off the hook in the other tank and corralline was everywhere . the question I have for you guys is if i kept doing what worked for the 30 gal do you think I can have the same success with the 125. I know it is a vaigue question but what should I look out for? :help: :confused: :thinking:


Looks good. would highly suggest a black/blue background. Though blue looks more natural, black hides algae, powerheads, heaters, cords, skimmers, etc, etc. It also makes you fish/corals stand out more.