30 gal tank


i have a yellow tang and a flame fish, also fire shrimp, and banded shrimp.
I had ich on the tank and my blue tang died. My clown fish just died when i put it in a 10 gal QT with quick cure. I put 8.8 gal of salt water and i did not check for salinity, so i assumed is was ok because it came from the store.
after the clown fish died (asfixation), i so it had high salinity, could this cause a fish to die of asfixiation?
my fish in the tanks the remaining ones, have some ich but they still eating and moving normal.
sometimes my tang gets a brownish color and i am treating the tank with kick ich.
i have a bio filter (350 magnum) and a heater at 82 degrees. can i keep this tempeture forever?
any suggestions? ideas, i am planning to add a goby and another clown fish


Make sure your water pram are all okay !
AND a blue tang is to small for your tank
it prob died because of stress