30 gal with 2 false clown


New Member
hey guys.. its been a while since ive been on here, so i thought i would make a new thread of my tank.. its been setup for about 10 months now.. it is my first saltwater tank.. so i am very new to this..
it is a 30 gal with a 10 gal fuge/sump
30lbs of live rock
live sand
penguin 350 hob filter
aquaclear powerhead
seaclone protein skimmer (sux.. but its all i could afford)
aquaclear hob filter with chaeto
2 false clowns
1 peppermint shrimp
2 hermit crabs
1 turnbo snail
1 cc starfish
also .. a few tiny feather dusters and small white brittle stars on the live rock recently appeard
temp: 77F
salinity: 1.024
Ph: 8.4
calcium: 420
nitrates: 10
nitrites: 0
ammonia: 0
tell me what u think.. or what i should do different..
ps (i know my fuge/sump is ghetto.. lol im workin on it..)



New Member
Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER
Nice Set Up.
I Think Tho U Mite Have Problems Down The Road With The Plastic Treasure Chest In The Salt Water Tho. Jmo
yeah it was just leftover from my other tank...
its out now..
i didnt know it would affect water quality..
thank you!


Active Member
Your CC (chocolate chip?) starfish will take care of any featherdusters once it finds them -- it does a good job mowing down feather dusters, zoos, and some other types of corals as well. Can't see the set up as work blocks the pictures so can't comment on that :)
Oh... unless your keeping LPS or SPS corals calcium really doesn't need to enter in here -- unless you like testing it for fun :)

small triggers

Active Member
my only suggestion is not t run the water so high in your fuge. I dont know if you have any siphoning when your power goes out, but if you do then you will end up with water ALL OVER and its not fun.