30 gallon reef on a budget...how would you do it???


I'm gonna be helping to setup a 30 gal. reef tank and was just wondering what equipment you would suggest (money is a factor)...
heres what i'm thinking so far
45 lbs LR
100 lbs HD sand
Remora skimmer
2 maxijet 1200's
vho lights (how many watts/bulbs, etc)
150 watt heater
this is just off the top of my head so please respond with any thoughts you may have on the matter.


Active Member
What is HD sand? Everything else looks good. Check out my web site to see my 29gal reef.


if you find the Southdown Tropical play sand in your local HD, would you please let me know the HD store #? i want to have some of it transferred to my local HD. They say all they need is a store # of a place that stocks it and they can truck it in for me. Its not avail in Oklahoma.


ive also heard if you go the HD route, you need to put down a layer of real live sand on top to seed the base sand.


There are some sites which have some good prices on MH and PC. Although, I truily perfer VHO to PC. When I purchased my VHO system, I really could not find a really good deal, so I went for the best an IceCap 660. In the long run they claim that your bulbs last longer and it uses less power so you save money. There is ----, but make sure you read carfully, some of what is there in the "Pet Section", IMO will not be effective in a reef.
Just another idea, I do not think you need to go to the expense of a remora skimmer. I have one, it is very good, but you could use a Red Sea Prism for a third less cost. You could also check out ssome site which sell used equipment. I purchased my skimmer that way and it has been great.
Good luck,