30 gallon reef tank project


I'm setting up a new 30 gallon peaceful reef. I need help setting it up on everything.
Heres what I've been thinking of,
Filteration: Skilter filter/skimmer
Live rock: 40 pounds
Sand: 60 pounds
Lighting: power compact 10,000 kelvins/acintinic/moonlights
Coral will be softies,suggestions on which is needed.
Live Stock
1 yellow headed jawfish
1 yellow watchmen/pistol shrimp
1 purple firefish
1 royal gramma
1 pygmy angel
2 pink skunk clowns
Assorted snails and hermit crabs
cleaner shrimp
emerld crabs and sallylight foot crab. :happyfish
Any suggestions/ ideas on aquascaping,sand depth, livestock, parameters etc.. ANY AND ALL IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED!! :help:


Active Member
you dont want a skilter filter....theyre out dated. get a canister and use the skimmer and you'll be set. maybe even a sump but thats a whole other chapter in the book.


Active Member
Also, the jawfish require very deep sandbeds to borrow themselves in, so you want it to be at least like 3 inches deep. SO you may want to consider adding about 20-30 lbs more of LS.