yeh trigger isnt really that good of a choice for a 30g
but honestly, a maroon clown or 2 true percs, they'll be infront of your glass all the time and can grow to 3.5", the maroon can get pretty big aswell, like 6" or so?
if not then wat about a butterfly? racoon or something similar?
maybe evenn, a school of green chromis? 5 of them?
that'll look amazing, i want some of them but afriad my fish will eat them lol
and the chances of the snowflake going for the clowns is very unlikely, eels feed with their nose so unless the clowns ar smelly, the eel will leave them alone,
but once again, a butterfly fish you wont see much, they hide alortt.
soo IMO a maroon clown, you may think now, oh boring, but trust mee, im in LOVE with my clowns, they have such a bold personality there soo fun to watch,
mine go for feeder shrimp about twice the size of them lol