30 gallon stock list

lord fu fu

i curently have 2 small azure damsels and a small snowflake eel and was wondering what else i could add for some color and activity i was hoping for some sort of trigger like a humu humu

small triggers

Active Member
not in that small of a tank unless you are planning to upgrade in a while?Hummas do take a while to grow so he could be okay for a year or so,,,


yeh 30g is way to small for a humu humu, or for any trigger at that, if you get a humu humu you WILL need to upgrade, even the snowflake eel should have a bigger tank, tho if you have good rockwork he should be ok for abit


get a couple of true percs,
or one maroon clown
personally i think the maroon will be better, because it grows alot bigger, and then doesnt become a threat to the eel or humu humu (if you do get) and can stand its ground quite suppriseingly,
and maybe, if you are planning on a upgrade, then, a tang?
the clown will be up infront of the glass constantly, they love the attension, the tang will take a while to acclimate but after a couple of weeks will swim out front too,
humu humu will be a mix of in and out of rockwork
hope i helped:)


yeh trigger isnt really that good of a choice for a 30g
but honestly, a maroon clown or 2 true percs, they'll be infront of your glass all the time and can grow to 3.5", the maroon can get pretty big aswell, like 6" or so?
if not then wat about a butterfly? racoon or something similar?
maybe evenn, a school of green chromis? 5 of them?
that'll look amazing, i want some of them but afriad my fish will eat them lol
and the chances of the snowflake going for the clowns is very unlikely, eels feed with their nose so unless the clowns ar smelly, the eel will leave them alone,
but once again, a butterfly fish you wont see much, they hide alortt.
soo IMO a maroon clown, you may think now, oh boring, but trust mee, im in LOVE with my clowns, they have such a bold personality there soo fun to watch,
mine go for feeder shrimp about twice the size of them lol

lord fu fu

ok i do have a maroon clown (in mah bio cube) and im afraid percs would get harmed by the damsels and i had a butterfly fish that died and i think my eel had something to do with it cuz it had bite marks on its head that were bloody and deep....i need one or a couple beautiful fish that can hold a fight and are fish... a pistol shrimp and goby mamybe?


you could get that yehh, but personally, i think gobys and that are boring as anything.
maybe a dwarf lion? like a fumanchu? there lovely!
or maybe, im not to sure wat tank size they need but a dwarf angel? but it might be to big for it.
a 100% can go in for that tank would be:
clowns (any sort)
dwarf lions
small puffers (eg, valentine, blue spot)
manderin (if you have a fuge with plenty of pods)
etc etc

crypt keeper

Active Member
The eel will probably eat the pistol shrimp. I would sell the eel. Blue headed jawfish and maybe a fu manchu


yeah, humu triggers are good candidates for aquariums. but if you want one, get a 55 gallon aquarium and lightly stock the tank with moderately aggressive fish.


Active Member
+1 on the dwarf lion. Just curious, were the damsels supposed to be eel food and he just didn't take to them? lol


How about one of the colorful medium size wrasses like a flasher wrasse? There're so many to choose from and they're very active. I don't know why wrasses aren't more popular, personally I really like them.
I have a 29 gallon, but, I don't know how compatible the flame angel is with your current stock, but I absolutely love mine! It is full of energy, and very attentive. He is always active and swimming around, and even helps to remind me when its feeding time by swimming to the top corner that I normally feed from around feeding time! A very smart fish that I would not trade or sell for anything!! Well worth their price tag :) Just research diseases with them, since most are wild caught it can be an issue early on. The one I bought had been in the fish store for 3 weeks before purchase, this is another good option if you can get your LFS to hold one for you.


i can agree with you ,rcreations, wrasses are awesometastic! as i said in an earlier post, a yellow wrasse is my number 1 fish for my 55 gallon. Lord fufu, you should put a small wrasse in your tank.