30 second video of my reef


Active Member
I just captured a 30 second video of my reef on my digital camera. It's only 7 megs...is there anywhere I could post for others to see?
It shows my 38 galon with a powder blue, yellow tang, sebae clown, and my mandarin goby...as well as my corals. These fish are kinda crammed right now, there waiting for me to bring home my 125 gallon tank next week but they look great, especially my powder blue.


Azonic how old is your tank?and is your mandarin eating?They do require a well established system.I
commend you in getting a larger tank because 2 tangs in a 38 gallon is not good.This is just IMO
and you can do what you want.I know you have been on this board for a few months and have read a lot of advice about mandarins and tangs yet you choose
to do what you want.I guess some of us just learn from experience,and don't listen.


I think you should reread his post. his 125 gallon is coming soon, and he is wondering where he can post a 30 second video of his tank. It sounds like he has listened and learned on the board, thats why the bigger tank.
I wish I could see that video. I have no idea where or how to post the video. Send pictures.


i think you might have some luck with teveo.com (i think), you can somehow broadcast it on there. i never tried it but someone else on the board uses it. can't remember who though right off hand. anyway, i think you could email it only to people who have larger mailboxes. 7 megs is a big file. i'd try to use the teveo idea and link it from there. good luck.. :)


Byrself it is JavaJoe who I think uses TEVEO.Shnookums I have reread his post and I don't care if you have a 500 gallon tank if the tank is not mature and has adequate copepods the mandarin will die of starvation.He started this tank without anything and did ask for lot's of advice when starting out on this board.I know he must have read about Tangs needing room and not only did he put 1 in their he put 2 and added a mandarin to a tank that is barely a few months old.It is not like if he had all these fish before he started reading here.I'm not picking on the guy but it just upsets me when people ask for advice and then don't follow good advice only to have their system crash and wonder why it happened.But I guess every persons tank is theirs to do with as they please.


Sonys image station you can put video's
<a href="http://www.imagestation.com" target="_blank">Imagestation</a>


Active Member
m1rodrig - I usually don't respond to these sorta messages because it's some guy on the internet insulting me and quite frankly I don't give two sh1ts. But before you flame me like you did, you don't know anything about my tank. It's been running for 3 months. There are 4 fish in it. 3 of which were full-time "residents". THe clown and yellow tang were first. The mandarin was not added until I was sure I had a substantial pod population to support him. I check everynight when the lights are out...and since he was added several weeks ago, my pod population has actually continued to grow. I have 70 pounds of live rock in my 38 gallon, which is a lot for a small tank size. Mandarin's do not need an established tank...what they need is live food such as pods...how they get them, whether it be an old tank...or a new one with a lot of rock for them to reproduce it doesn't really matter. My powder blue was bought from someone in the trading and classified forum on this site. It's very healthy and eats very well so I decided that he would do fine in the small 38 gallon tank while I was awaiting my bigger tank to arrive, afterall, they are often in smaller then a 38 gallon tank for weeks on end at pet stores. The powder has only been in the tank for a couple of weeks, and he as well as everyone else will be moved to my new tank within a month. If any of them gets ich due to being stressed over such a small place, I have a hospital tank ready for them. I am well prepared, I've thought this through from start to finish. YOu don't know me pal, and you don't know jack about my tank. It's people like you who will steer new reefers away from the hobby.
I think I've said enough, this post is getting sorta outta hand, and outta be locked, my original intent was to show a short video of my tank to anyone interested...If i get it on the net I'll be sure to post again. Thanks for the sont imagestation link whoever gave it to me...i cant see the name anymore :)

nm reef

Active Member
Flames of any kind are prefered on other boards ... not this one. The origional question has been addressed...this thread is locked.We can agree to disagree...but flames are not needed!