300 Gallon, good deal?

sal t. nutz

I just made a deal to buy this 300 gallon complete setup for $1000 and a trade of my 55 gallon complete setup. What do you guys think, good deal?


I would think that just the 300-gal tank would be a good trade for your 55 gal full setup. But then, I'm partial to large tanks. I would be willing to bet you'll be much more pleased with the large tank, as it allows you many more options.


What does the 300 come with.. skimmer/wet/dry/external pump/lights? Is it pre-drilled? I personally would never buy a large aquarium without it being pre-drilled...Non pre-drilled are a pain in the arse.. (IMO)

sal t. nutz

Comes with all of that, wet/dry, pumps, skimmer, dual overflows. The only 2 things it doesn't come with, but if it did, it wouldn't be so cheap, are good lighting, and LR. Has standard flourescent lighting and a lot of decorative corals, not live corals.