300 gallon moray only


Im setting up a 300 gallon...please give me some ideas for a moray only 300 gallon aquarium :jumping: ... There might be some invertebrates in it....also pictures of your tanks and eels would be wonderful. :happyfish


:happyfish yes the moray(s) will be the only fish in the aquarium ....i also might get some inverts (starfish, urchins, sea cucumbers, shrimp ect.)


are there four eels going to be in a 125 ? (the tessa, dragon, zebra and the green he is getting)...isnt that too small ,do you think four eels around that size would do good in a 300? more that that? less?
Thanks for your time


Active Member
Originally Posted by DAVE_15
are there four eels going to be in a 125 ? (the tessa, dragon, zebra and the green he is getting)...isnt that too small do you think four eels around that size would do good in a 300? more that that? less?
Thanks for your time

i am pretty sure you will be just fine with those in there....i think it may be too small(125), but if he maintains it, its his call really, a 300 will be just fine IMO, but cartman may say differently..
with their waste production no more than two inches per gallon, so you have 600 to play with here....


Active Member
the tessa's get like what about 70 inches in an aquarium? the zebras get about 60? etc etc, so if you kept 4 of them, youd be quite ok, even if they maxed out in size...which could be possible in a 300 gallon tank, but unlikely captively...so do the math, if you had 4 tessa's youd be somewhere around 280 inches max size....see what i mean?, you could even be enabled to put over 400lbs of LR, give them very adequete room for covering their bodies....


would this work for a 300?
I will put *** for the ones i really want
1 green
1 tesse***
1 zebra***
1 goldentail or fimbritated (i like both so you can choose if u want)
1 dragon
1 jeweled or white eyed or (i like both so you can choose if u want)
1 White mouth
tell me if there are problems with the list ...it might be too much
sorry for asing alot of questions


its probably obvious, but just as a note: make sure all the eels are of similar size, a large eel may eat a small eel or a larger eel may bully a similar looking smaller eel. And what about a snowflake eel? Ive always loved those and mine grew to an impressive couple of feet over the years :D


I would take out the green then get the rest. I dont see why the rest couldnt work, the green just gets WAY too big, and imho is over bioload alone. I assume you have an oversized skimmer and wetdry (or other efficient form of filtration). Just keepup with the waterchanges, feed sparingly, and watch those nitrates and everything should be fine



Well would i be able to keep all on the list...even the ones that i said OR...if not which ones would you recommend goldentail OR fimbribated and jeweled Or white eyed?
If you can think of some other interesting species to exchange (of course moray) with something please tell me.


When small you could probably have them all, but once they start getting larger and putting on some girth you may run into problems. You could always upgrade or sell a couple if/when the need arises. I dont know what your eel experience is, but you said you have 2 snowflakes? What I did was 1 large feeding once a week then do my waterchange the day after, which works well the once the eels get large and eat less often and this approach may enable you to be highly overstocked once they get larger.
As for other eels, depending on availablility, some other cool eels Ive seen include:
yellow margin (Gymnothorax flavimarginatus) and chestnut (Gymnothorax castaneus), both "girthy" like the green, but max out at about 3-4ft compared to 8-10ft.
chainlink (Echidna catenata) which is similar to the snowflake, the banded (Gymnothorax rueppelliae) which is similar to the fimbriated, and the reticulated (Muraena retifera) which is similar to the dragon.
You can google the latin names for pictures of each.
If you decide to go with 6 eels, I would pick the gold tail and jeweled personally, for no reason other than I like how they look better.
hope that helps a little.


dont get a green. Unlike the Tesse, they actually can reach 8 feet in the home aquarium. Eels rarely have stunted growth in the aquairium like tangs or triggers. The Tesse could easily reach 6 feet in the aquarium. I would get a zebra, snowflake, mexican dragon, and goldentail. Goldentails are rarer but very beautiful.