

Active Member
I have a problem with ----, I bid on stuff I know I can't afford, and then Adam and I fight about it, its like I am addicted. All the cool stuff you can find on there. (thats where I got my 380gallon tank) I am addicted, and I have no will power to stop.


Active Member
Sorry, I just noticed they block out that

site, I wonder why, its just not saltwater stuff, its so much stuff, thats my problem, lol.


Active Member
I used to be addicted to eeeeeeeebay too! I was bidding on everything... even coral! I don't let myself sign on anymore... problem solved! hehe


Active Member
you know, I never understood the big deal on bidding for stuff until a couple of months ago the Lions Club had a TV a.u.c.t.i.o.n.(where they post the stuff on chanel 11 and you phone in your bid, local business put stuff up, it's for charity) and I bid on a nano tank...I totally thought I got it and I was heartbroken when I didn't! But yeah....up till that point it was pretty damn cool...I think I should stay away from e-b-a-y ;)


Active Member
No, I know a few people who were/are addicted to bidding on things on there. It is certainly a problem.
The first thing I would do is delete your account. I do not know how much will power you have, but, that should help take care of that problem, hopefully.
If worse comes to worse and you are still logging on, get a program that blocks websites. Just put that website on a block and have the program password protected so that you cannot just go into it and undo the block.


Active Member
I have tried to block the website, but it got so bad that I started going to my Dad's, sister's and mom's house, then I just unblocked it. I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO WILL POWER!!!!


Active Member
Well, I think almost everyone has an addiction to something that is in some way bad for them (whether it is their health, a relationship, their job, etc.). A good way, I have found, to help an addiction problem is to work with someone. Find someone that you trust that is helpful and supportive but not critical or who doesn't understand. Have them help you break yours and support you while you do the same for them.
If you have tried that and it has not worked, how about turning the addiction into a positive? Every time you have the urge to go onto the site, maybe do something else, which is positive. That way, you get so wrapped into doing the other thing, you forget your original desire to log onto the site.


Active Member
you will end up buying stuff that you dont need, and/or start amassing non-paying winner complaints. that will pretty much cause "them" to freeze your account, thus making it useless.
its not an addiction. just stop going on that site. seriously.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I have tried to block the website, but it got so bad that I started going to my Dad's, sister's and mom's house, then I just unblocked it. I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO WILL POWER!!!!
get rid of your credit cards and close your paypal account so you can't order online anymore


Active Member
it is an addiction. winning makes you feel good. and you want to feel good.
i know all about that. ive dealt and am dealing with addiction & really i have found that no matter what you try to do to keep yourself away from something it will always be there and you will always want it. its not easy. thats actually how i got into SWF, i was trying to redirect my cash & time into something positive. i know youre already into SWF, maybe try something else. or do the tough love thing & give yourself an intervention (ive done it.) sit down with your significant other and discuss the problems ---- is causing for you, how it is affecting your relationship, bills, etc. it will be hard but i gaurantee it will help.


Active Member
You know that IT campain was dumb, but they were smart when they equated it to winning on their tv commercials.
I never really liked the place, just got burned the first couple times I bought stuff, and never really went back. I'm addicted to forums classified sections.


Active Member
The sitting and getting help and support from my other, well, that would not work, all he would do is yell at me and put me down, hes not one to help others.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
The sitting and getting help and support from my other, well, that would not work, all he would do is yell at me and put me down, hes not one to help others.

well,no offense...but that doesn't seem very good


Active Member
I am an alcoholic so I can tell you that you need to get some help for your problem. I had a tough time quitting and later had to quit tobacco. So I guess you could call me a professional quitter.
People may make all the jokes they want, but I serioulsy think you are saying that you have a problem and that you are really asking for help. You should google ---- addiction and read some of the articles. Here is part of a news story that I found
But one psychologist says ---- addiction is real — and is no laughing matter.
"There's a growing number of ---- addicts," said Dr. Kimberly Young, director of the Center for Online Addiction. "Usually at the point they come to me, there are marital problems. They've lied to their husband or wife about how much they've taken out of the 401(k). It's a real problem."
Young said it's common for true ---- addicts — for whom the

Web site has become a compulsion — to dip into retirement and children's college funds or take out a second

to support their habit.
They're typically lying to loved ones about how they're spending all that time and money. One woman who sought help from Young was fired from her job over her ---- use at work.
"I've had people lose $400,000 or $500,000," said Young. "The element with ---- that I find with clients is the issue of winning, like gambling: 'I beat out this other person.'"
Though there isn't a set amount of time or money one has to spend in order to qualify as an ---- addict, people who have an actual problem are those who can't stop spending money excessively and are lying about and trying to conceal what they're doing, according to Young.
She said she has never spoken to the company itself about the ---- addiction she sees in some of her clients.
"It's just an unintended consequence of the technology," she said.
This guy Young has a website at netaddiction dot com. You might want to see what he says and then see what other resources there are in your area.
If you want to talk some more on a private level go ahead and send me a PM.