30g pre-drilled tank?

class clown

Hi all, I'm looking for a 30 gal. (or close to that) tank with a built-in corner overflow or similar setup. Does anyone makes tanks that small? The smallest pre-drilled tank made by All-Glass is 55 gal, but it's too big for where I want to put it. Any leads?

marine qa

I have never found a pre-drilled 30g. However, I see three options:
One, see if the aquarium Co. will do this custom. I dont think this is likely on a 30g, but All-Glass recently agreed to build me a 180g with only one overflow instead of the usual two.
Two, Find a glass shop to drill the tank.
Three, try a plexiglass tank. You could probably drill this yourself. I am not a big fan of plexiglass due to its ability to scratch.
I would certainly recommend a built in overflow. I will never have a tank w/out one again.