30x12x16 skimmer sump


I don't think you're trying very hard. Google "sump refugium". I see several with those dimensions.


New Member
^^ that is my sump size
Urchin Pro In-Sump w/ MagDrive 3 Kit Features:
Model # : Urchin Pro In-Sump
Tank Size (Gallons): 40–120
Included Pump: Mag-Drive3 (flowrate of 350 gph)
Skimmer Height: 20"
Footprint: 7.5" x 5.25"
*Urchin and Urchin Pro need an additional 6 inches for collection cup removal. Minimum height needed for easy maintanence is 24 and 26 inches, respectively.
Finally, a small sump skimmer that requires no plumbing, fiddling with, or constant maintenance. The Urchin is the newest addition to AquaC`s line of innovative protein skimmers that utilize spray induction technology. Based on the popular Remora, the Urchin is a sump model that is suitable for small tanks that don`t require the waste-removing power of the AquaC EV Series. No plumbing required, simply drop in the sump and plug in the pump! Unlike most sump skimmers, the Urchin does not need to be raised or tinkered with to maintain the proper water level. For those with larger mini-reefs, try the Urchin Pro.
The Urchin and Urchin Pro requires the smallest amount of sump space of any skimmer in it`s class:
AquaC Urchin footprint: 6" x 4.75"
AquaC Urchin Pro footprint: 7.5" x 5.25"
Note: Do not be deceived by the smaller pumps needed to run these protein skimmers. These are extremely efficient protein skimmers. For example, the Urchin Pro is powered with only a Rio 1400, but it greatly outperforms a Red Sea Berlin Skimmer powered with a Rio 2500. Therefore, an AquaC protein skimmer consumes less electricity, transfers less heat to the aquarium, and still outperforms larger skimmers.
MagDrive 3 features:
Watts: 35
Pump Size (L x W x H): 5.0 x 3.8 x 4.2
Outlet Size / Inlet Size: 1/2" MPT / 1/2" FPT
would this work?>


Should be able to.... It has a 10x10 Skimmer Chamber and the skimmer you are looking at has a 7.25x5.25 Footprint....by my logic I would assume 7.25x5.25 is smaller than 10x10. Just make sure it will work heightwise and make sure you follow the water height limit on the skimmer when setting it up


Sounds like it will easily fit in your sump, though i'm not sure why the first post has been edited to say "delete this", and of course it depends on the dimensions of your skimmer chamber. I've got an AquaC remora HOB, and it works great, so I definitely endorse the brand. I guess the height is 16 inches? Your skimmer isn't supposed to fit under the roof of the skimmer, it typically fits into a chamber with no roof, so it's easily accessible/isn't limited from above. That, too, depends on your specifics.