35 gallon seahorse tank



OK, well I'm getting a 35 gallon hexagon seahorse tank and I'm considering inhabitants. Probably do 2 seahorses (maybe 3) and a fish or two. I think 4 total fish is a decent number because they are relatively low waste producers. Give me some ideas... here are mine but I welcome others:
2 seahorses (either yellow or orange)
2 percula clowns or 1 lawnmower blenny and 1 perc.
Also thinking probably 2 shrimp: a blood and skunk cleaner
A feather duster or two
Also I know about *Illegal Site Reference*... checked it out many times.


Active Member
Don't take my word too strongly cuz i still don't have my tank but ordered a 95 gallon tank today for an FO, I heard that when you have sea horses it needs to be a species tank with just sea horses, but clown fish are to active for them


Active Member
heck id just put 4 seahorse in lol just get a pair of two different kinds.. that would be fun.. and i had seahorse with a peppermint shrimp and he more than stressed the poor seahorse out he was always riding them around and they hated it.. so just make sure your shrimp arnt to annoying.. but yea if you really want other fish besides seahorse go with the lawnmower blenny i love those guys!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
Don't take my word too strongly cuz i still don't have my tank but ordered a 95 gallon tank today for an FO, I heard that when you have sea horses it needs to be a species tank with just sea horses, but clown fish are to active for them

technically your right about that and i dont think id ever have seahorse with other fish.. just because there so fragile and i think its better to dedicate a tank to the seahorse it makes it much more fun that way and much easier too


Active Member
oooh and itd be fun to have some gorgonias groing in that tank for the seahore to wrap its tail around


I figure that a perc. or lmb really wouldn't be too difficult for a seahorse to compete with for food. A seahorse only tank could be cool too, though.


Originally Posted by ams153
oooh and itd be fun to have some gorgonias groing in that tank for the seahore to wrap its tail around
Good idea.
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Active Member
Do not mix seahorse species. There are many diseases that a species can carry but be immune to, but a different species is not immune to. Mixing species has been done (by experienced pony keepers!) but more than often it results in the death of the seahorses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Do not mix seahorse species. There are many diseases that a species can carry but be immune to, but a different species is not immune to. Mixing species has been done (by experienced pony keepers!) but more than often it results in the death of the seahorses.
ooooh now that would kinda suck..


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Good idea.
Don't forget to vote... it's your civic duty.
lol ill do so now


Active Member
i have a seahorse in my reef tank it is doing well so far only fish are pink skunk and bangia cardinal. Note red brains bad with seahorse tried to eat it. some guy at my lfs got lucky beautiful red brain for ten dollars my lfs wouldnt give me credit for it said they would take it off my hands huh sold it to the guy in the parking lot. he was happy. just make sure he gets his share of food. and nothing aggreswsive in the tank.