350g reef tank I need sand!!!!


New Member
just buy a 350 g tank hook every thing up. all i need is to know what kind of sand i can use to mix with live sand,would like my sand to be white. it would be to much $$$ if it was all live sand. :help: :help:


Active Member
Can you get your hands on some South Down sand??? That would work!!! Any pics of the new setup??? Give us some more details on your setup


Active Member
You might check with your Home Depot. I know it was scarce here on the east coast for a bit but I know the local HD have it now!!!!


in northern CA we dont have that stuff at home depot, good luck, but its worth it youll save a ton


Active Member
not in so cal either. i just checked this past weekend. at least not in the walmart, hd, lowe's in my area anyway