35g stock list, what would you do?



Like the title says, my tank is fairly new so i have 4 more weeks till i can start thinking about fish.
But with a 35g hex, what would you put in it?
Im part of a canon-photography forum and people do this with what kind lens's would you get. so i thought it would be interesting for aquariums too.


Active Member
so this is fish only?
personally i would do reef (if you want to buy the lighting for it) with peaceful fish.


i actually did buy the lighting incase i do decide to go that way.


Active Member
Well if you bought the lighting already, why not use it? I think your photographs will be much more interesting with the beatu of corals. *shrug* I have a 29 gallon, and some things I know I can put in there, but not all of them of course, are...
Clownfish of course
Midas Blenny
Mandarin (you'll need a fuge. I have two)
Green or yellow clown goby
Royal Gramma
There's a lot you can put in a tank that size, just not all at once.