36 Gal Corner Tank


New Member
I am so far rather content on the fish in the tank. There are:
1) Coral Beauty
2) Clown Fish
1) Black Velvet Damsel
2) Royal Gramma
1) 'Neil' Diamond Goby
1) Fire Shrimp
1) Green Tip Anenome
4) Large Turbo Snails
5) small snails of some sort
2) hermit crabs
2) weeee conchs
5) Fancy Nasurius Snails
1) yellow Gorgonian
1) red Gorgonian
1) green open brain
20) yellow Polyps
3) ricordia of different colors
40) pounds of LR
30) purple mushrooms
2) green star clusters and
2) sandsifting starfish.
I was leaning toward a pink cucumber, orange sponge, shaving brush, culpera, and a clam. Eventually I would love to get a seahorse, but I need to get the tank situated for it.
I plan on stepping up to a larger tank in a little over a year. Currently I have a Marineland c220 that is built for a 55g tank so the water flow is rather good. The light is a simple 160W light with BA lights and moonlights that kick on when all off.
I believe that it is fairly well balanced now, but would just like to know from more experienced aquariusts, if I should look out for anything. It has been slowly established over 7 weeks now, and looking at the excel spreadsheet of my water parameters, the cycle has taken place.
Thanks for help!! ~D


Active Member
U would suggest a bigger tank. You have alot of wants. Skip the Black Velvet Damsel. They are territorial and mean. Most all Damsels are.
1) Coral Beauty - picks on corals
2) Clown Fish - great fish
1) Black Velvet Damsel - mean
2) Royal Gramma - great fish
1) 'Neil' Diamond Goby - great fish
1) Fire Shrimp - great
1) Green Tip Anenome - I wont get one. If they die they take a tank of it.
4) Large Turbo Snails
5) small snails of some sort get stuck in overflow
2) hermit crabs
2) weeee conchs - who?
5) Fancy Nasurius Snails - #1 snail in my opinion.
1) yellow Gorgonian - nice
1) red Gorgonian -nice
1) green open brain get a good light
20) yellow Polyps - does not play well with others and can sting other corals - but nice.
3) ricordia of different colors - gotta love these.
40) pounds of LR - not enough for me but thats just preference.
30) purple mushrooms - there nice and get big.
2) green star clusters and
2) sandsifting starfish. - Planning on killing something slowly - get one of these. There is no way you can get this. Please just dont do it. Stick with Nasurius Snails.


You will only be able to keep one royal gramma. Two will not get along together. I also agree, skip the damsels.